TV versus AV receiver video upscaling. Which way?


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Aug 10, 2019
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I am upgrading my home cinema system with a new TV and AV receiver. My TV choice is coming down on the side of the Sony KDL40W4000. However, a lot of my source material is SD at present (Sony RDR-HXD860 for freeview and DVD and V+ box, so only 1 HD channel) and I am keen to ensure that the system has a good 1080p upscaling capability.

I have seen very little comment comparing TV versus AV receiver upscaling. I am contemplating the Onkyo 875, as the discussions on the HQV Reon-VX video processor has been very favourable. Can anyone comment on which approach gives the best video upscaling?

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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In that case, I'm sure that Onkyo would be the winner - I used my £3K Full HD projector to
upscale everything until I gave the 875 a try, and its processing is
better. It makes a real difference with everything, including DVDs and
Sky HD.


Ill just add my penny worth, Ive got a sony 40w2000 and the upscaling is better on the onk than the telly without a shadow. Less smearing and more detail.


Thanks Clare and Gareth for the advice. I had been wondering about getting the 606 as an audio upgrade to my system and to leave the TV to do the upscaling, but your glowing recommendations mean that I will definitely trial the 875.

As the second HDMI output is of no use to me (though I realise that there will be other improvements on the 876), what views are there on grabbing a bargain as the 875 comes down in price? (I've already seen £100-£200 discounts). I have been unable to find much detail on the upcoming 876, so am not sure whether to wait for the new model or not. Andrew Everard's posting on the subject makes me think that I should join the bargain hunters. Does anyone have more details to share on the 876 yet?


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