I have just purchased the Yamaha DVDS2700 DVD player for the price above through Amazon, who were working as an agent for Peter Tyson Online. It is an excellent DVD player with stunning sound and picture quality. I would be a touch disappointed with the performance having paid the full RRP, however, as more recent models such as the new £600 Marantz player and Denons '2930 offer very similar performance for less, I would even say the Marantz is better. Judging this player against similarly priced competition, such as the Denon '1940 you can easily discern a useful gain in picture and more noticeably, sound quality. The finish is top notch as well and the inclusion of QED's award winning HDMI cable is a bonus and makes this an absolute no brainer for anyone looking to spend around this amount. I even had slightly less in mind with a budget of £200 and went for the Yamaha hoping it would be worth the extra and it certainly is. Feel free to ask me for more information on what I think about it, as WHF has not reviewed this model. http://amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/202-7994158-3641413?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dvds2700