BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:It's not remotely scary, good film, vampires in it, but definitely not scary. Maybe you should try it?
BenLaw said:Just finished The Hunt. Deeply troubling and upsetting. Mads Mikkelsen must be one of the finest actors in the world right now.
strapped for cash said:BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:It's not remotely scary, good film, vampires in it, but definitely not scary. Maybe you should try it?
Could've done without the CGI cats, though...
John Duncan said:I don't remember the CGI cats. Which version?
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:Let's hope Ben suggest it as part of his 3, then you might just have to find the time.
I'm watching Le Serpent recorded ages ago on Film4 at the moment......
BenLaw said:I'm starting to feel the pressure and responsibility of having to make proposals.
strapped for cash said:BenLaw said:I'm starting to feel the pressure and responsibility of having to make proposals.
No pressure! The worst thing that can happen is other members don't enjoy the film; and I may be on shaky ground in that regard.
BenLaw said:If I choose snowtown there's no way anyone's enjoying that!
strapped for cash said:BenLaw said:If I choose snowtown there's no way anyone's enjoying that!
Enjoy's probably an inapt verb, but that doesn't mean a film can't be appreciated.
BenLaw said:BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:Let's hope Ben suggest it as part of his 3, then you might just have to find the time.
I'm watching Le Serpent recorded ages ago on Film4 at the moment......
Probably won't be but it's well worth watching. I'm starting to feel the pressure and responsibility of having to make proposals.
Let me know what Le Serpent's like, from the one line summary I've seen I can see the thematic link.
strapped for cash said:Well, I watched Survive Style 5+, though I should probably withold commentary until everyone else has seen the film.
John Duncan said:strapped for cash said:Well, I watched Survive Style 5+, though I should probably withold commentary until everyone else has seen the film.
Rule number 5! Rule number 5!
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:If the film doesn't come next time, let me know, and I'll send my copy to you Ben.
BenLaw said:BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:If the film doesn't come next time, let me know, and I'll send my copy to you Ben.
Film was despatched today, hooray! Should arrive tomorrow. I'm away next week so not sure when I'll get a chance to watch it but will be well within the month.