BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW wrote: John Duncan wrote:
1) Take turns to nominate three films, by number above.
2) Members vote on preferred film in a 1,2,3 order. Film 1 gets 3 points, film 2 gets 2 points, film three gets one point.
3) Film with most points is the film to be watched.
4) You have two weeks to watch (TBD).
I think the rest of the month, as you have to purchase,wait for, and find time to watch the film. OK
5) No discussion until everybody has seen it.
Ok, but allow for occasions, where a member may say that they are interested in a film, because they have heard that it has received a wide range of reviews (ie some pro/some con). Of course the member could not say what the reviews were.
6) Discussion can start after everyone has seen it and does not have to wait two weeks - eg if everybody watches it on day one, we don't have to wait
7) You can discuss as long as you want, but new film nomination starts immediately - ie no moratorium on previous fims, but move on to selection of next film immediately.
I think wait until the next month, because when everyone has seen a film, and discussed it, they may want to view the film again, to see if their original views need revising (now that they have heard the points raised during the discussion).