thescarletpronster said:
Is The Wire really available on BD? It wasn't even filmed in wide-screen, so I'd be amazed if there's a high-definition master out there. Delighted, but amazed.
Here's David Simon on the aspect ratio change:
I missed the final season on DVD (things got busy and heard it was disappointing), and I've only watched seasons one and two on BD so far, but I'm content with what's been done.
Upping the resolution doesn't harm the aesthetic, and though the framing feels less claustrophobic, I'm not sure I'd return to the DVDs.
Purists be damned on this one. It's just as engrossing; the revised framing is carefully judged and never distracting.
If in doubt, dive in; the water's fine. *smile*
the scarletpronster said:
Don't watch Breaking Bad. Seriously. Just don't watch it. Or if you must, don't watch it with the expectation that it's going to be any good. That was my mistake.
"Greatest show ever" claims are unfounded, but Breaking Bad is always engaging. "Ozymanidias" is among the very best television episodes I've seen. It's stunningly good, and 47 minutes of profound emotional violence earned over five excellent series.
If Breaking Bad has a legitimate claim to greatness it's because the show's quality never dropped.
If approached expecting another Wire, Breaking Bad will likely disappoint. It's a very different show, despite ostensibly comparable subject matter, and it isn't as socially or politically revelant. Narrative events can stray toward the implausible, but there's an emotional and psychological consistency to character actions that helps to cut through this problem. And it's the characters rather than social or political insight that drive viewer investment. I'm more than fine with this.