The WHF Film Club

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BenLaw said:
All, there's an excellent documentary 12.25 Saturday / Sunday night on film4 called Room 237, a must for any fans of The Shining.

A few thoughts having just watched Room 237...

Apart from a couple of observations made I thought the documentary was narrated by crackpots.

Sure, there's subtext about genocide and the foundation of the US, as clearly signposted throughout the film.

And commentary toward the end on postmodernism and the reader as author is hardly news to anyone with a reasonable grounding in theory. (At least the diversity of interpretations showcased highlights the reader's powerful authorial presence.)

Beyond these insights, however, the commentary felt like a barrage of false associations and bizarre interpretive matrices.

I was growing weary by the time we were unravelling conspiracy theories implicating Kubrick and viewing superimposed shots of The Shining running simultaneously forward and backward.

At the same time, I understand entirely how one can become that lost in a text.
I watched it for around 30 minutes, at which point I pressed the stop button, followed quickly by the delete button. Some people talk a lot of nonsense.
Watching Room 237 feels a bit like being tied to a chair and forced to listen to David Icke.

The documentary shows how texts are open to all manner of interpretations/appropriations; and while this is a valid observation, I'm not convinced that such a thesis merits two hours of incoherent commentary.
richardw42 said:
Twin Peaks fans

Definitive Gold Edition is in Amazon Black Friday sale at 5:10 pm.

Thanks Richard

That's the Gold DVD boxset, right, rather than the "Entire Mystery" Blu-ray.

If you're new to TP and the price is right, the Gold boxset is a solid purchase (and as good a DVD transfer as I've seen). However, the Gold boxset lacks FWWM and the wealth of scenes that never made the film's theatrical edit.
strapped for cash said:
Watching Room 237 feels a bit like being tied to a chair and forced to listen to David Icke.

The documentary shows how texts are open to all manner of interpretations/appropriations; and while this is a valid observation, I'm not convinced that such a thesis merits two hours of incoherent commentary.

There's was a point that just tipped me over the edge, but I seem to have blanked it out of my mind (fortunately).

The one thing that does stick in my mind is when there was a fade from an outside scene to an inside scene, and the janitor was sweeping up inside, and the guy said it looked like a giant sweeping the lawns. What the hell is he on? I think it could have worked as a spoof documentary though.

Edit. I've just remembered the tipping point, it was when the guy said you could see Stanley Kubrick's face in the clouds. F**k off!
I've just remembered the tipping point, it was when the guy said you could see Stanley Kubrick's face in the clouds. F**k off!

Yeah but you could totally see it though.

I'm worried for Ben now. We've heartlessly trashed his (casual) recommendation. It's like the goat film all over again.
BenLaw said:
I'm guessing you guys don't like the X factor either then? It's not about the songs, it's about the parade of the freaks.

Freak shows have never been my thing.

I count The X Factor early rounds (when a panel of morons prompts us to mock the most delusional contestants) among the more depressing contemporary televisual phenomena.

It's a product of a culture of desperation (for many) mixed with the fantasy (for many) that stardom and riches await, and that anything less constitutes absolute failure.

Given the current social, economic and political direction, I'm not sure we're too many nudges away from Climbing for Dollars, or Climbing for Work Visas, or something similar. (I hope that's hyperbole.)

As for Room 237, I was probably hoping for more insightful and enlightening commentary.

Again, the documentary makes a valid point about "open texts" and audience appropriation, but this was hardly a revelation. In summary, whilst of noble intent, I found Room 237 pretty tiresome toward the end (sorry).
strapped for cash said:
I've just remembered the tipping point, it was when the guy said you could see Stanley Kubrick's face in the clouds. F**k off!

Yeah but you could totally see it though.

I'm worried for Ben now. We've heartlessly trashed his (casual) recommendation. It's like the goat film all over again.

Give me the goat film anytime.
strapped for cash said:
I've just remembered the tipping point, it was when the guy said you could see Stanley Kubrick's face in the clouds. F**k off!

Yeah but you could totally see it though.

I'm worried for Ben now. We've heartlessly trashed his (casual) recommendation. It's like the goat film all over again.

Give me the goat film anytime.

Wow, really?
BenLaw said:
strapped for cash said:
I've just remembered the tipping point, it was when the guy said you could see Stanley Kubrick's face in the clouds. F**k off!

Yeah but you could totally see it though.

I'm worried for Ben now. We've heartlessly trashed his (casual) recommendation. It's like the goat film all over again.

Give me the goat film anytime.

Wow, really?

No, not really. *biggrin*
I'll be watching La Antena tonight, wanted to leave it to last moment, as almost a month had passed from watching to discussing My Life As A Dog.

Edit. Just finished watching it, won't comment yet.

Have I missed next months nominations ?
I'm just about to go to a gig, so I'll have to leave watching La Antena 'til tomorrow.

It's Mike choice for next month's film, but he hasn't done it yet. Could do with that asap please Mike?
I'm just about to go to a gig, so I'll have to leave watching La Antena 'til tomorrow.

It's Mike choice for next month's film, but he hasn't done it yet. Could do with that asap please Mike?

At the moment I have got two films in mind, but I am short of ideas for the third. My initial hope to give you four nominations is far away at the moment. *sorry2*
Why not search for the 2 films you have decided on on Amazon, and they will link related films to those, and you could nominate them?

Remember about nominating previous nominations too.

How about a film someone has recommended to you?
Why not search for the 2 films you have decided on on Amazon, and they will link related films to those, and you could nominate them?

How about a film someone has recommended to you?

That's my normal approach, but it is not working well this month.

Anyway here goes. I have selected 4 films, of which I have only watched half of one of them. There is no theme for the month - the only aim has been to select films which either sound interesting anyway, or which could have several different ways of interpreting the film (and hence elements to discuss).

1 - Calvary -

Sounds like a good use of dark humour in a plot.

2 - The-Girl-From-Nowhere -

This gets a variety of reviews from the public. Some say the acting is wooden, others say that it is the best film they have seen all year (this should activate Strappeds hyperbole alarm *biggrin*), others that the plotline is full of surrealist elements. Sounds like plenty of elements for our club to discuss.

3 - Young and beautiful -

This gets a variety of reviews from the public. Some say the plotline is implausible, others say things like "I like movies with a twist and the French never disapoints" or "Typical french cinema realistic and well shot.". I have only managed to watch half this movie, because it seems impossible to feel attachment to any of the characters. You must have seen other films where you couldn't care less what happens to the characters - However it was one of the films shown at Cannes this year (so maybe I am missing understanding the interesting elements?) Sounds like plenty of elements for our club to discuss.

4 - Blue is the Warmest Colour -

The winner at Cannes this year, but it caused a lot of controversy. Sounds like plenty of elements for our club to discuss.
I've not seen, or even heard of any of these, so I vote.

Calvary - 4 pts

Blue Is The Warmest Colour - 3 pts

Girl From Nowhere - 2 pts

Young and Beautiful - 1 pt
Some involving work has delayed me watching La Antena. Got 20mins in just now before being forced to turn off for eastenders! It is bizarre that I remembered this as an animated film, when most of it is not! It is a long time since I watched it....
I can't remember if I've mentioned it before, but the Ti West movie The Sacrament is up on Netflix - highly recommended. Ignore that the fact that Eli Roth's name is mentioned in the opening credits...
Calvary - 4 pts (I've been meaning to watch this for a while)

girl from nowhere - 3 pts

Blue Is The Warmest Colour - 2 pts

Young and Beautiful - 1 pt
BenLaw said:
Some involving work has delayed me watching La Antena. Got 20mins in just now before being forced to turn off for eastenders! It is bizarre that I remembered this as an animated film, when most of it is not! It is a long time since I watched it....

Had planned to watch it this weekend, but went to a gig on Saturday, and was a too bit tired last night to get past the 20 minute mark. Struggling tonight, as my wife is watching a couple of recorded 'I'm A Celebrity", so hopefully I can watch it either later, or tomorrow.
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