The Ultimate Samsung Plasma TV Question


New member
Jun 16, 2010
The Question what our the main differences between the samsung samsung 64 inch ps64d800 and the samsung 63 PS63C7000Apart from the one inch of course......?

What my gut insticnt is saying is that not that much difference between the two and the 63 PS63C7000 will be a real bargain when it drops in price. What our you lots thoughts on the matter?
Will be interested to hear others opinion on this as well, main difference I guess will be quality of 3d, and the C series plasmas use Samsung's old IR glasses and the new D series use the Bluetooth glasses means you can move your head without losing the 3d effect. Other changes I have gleaned from the spec sheets are black levels are improved this year with the addition of new filters. But the C 7000 is still a bargain at anything less than £2500
Also forgot to mention the new D-series has all the new 'Smarthub' stuff web browser(eventually) apps etc....don't know how important this is to you
No bother Chelsea I'm currently in the market for a new plasma so have been researching as much of the new models as poss...try googling the new Sammy PS59D6900.....currently available for around £1600....bluetooth and smarthub included at half the price of the D8000....59" still a decent size....I'm seriously considering doubt something new will be along sooner rather than later that will make me want another TV so I'm reluctant to spend mega money just now(4K2K......can't wait).....
The Smarthub functionality, is that not available with the older 63 inch Samsung PS63C7000 version?
Surely its just an upgrade in firmware rather than hardware, it seems silly to punish people who have bought older TV's that could easily support smart hub especially if their lablled by the manufactuerer as supporting, or even more as internet TV's.

When thinking about it, it's almost the same as buying an Iphone or a Blackberry that don't support Iphone App Store, or Blackberry's App World, if you get what I mean LCD?
hi i have the ps50c7000 and in my opinion is a great tv i cant comment on the the D series but i paid £1500 with a blueray player which i thought was a good price so as you said when the price drops it will be a good bargain as with the smart hub i think thats just a revamp to the existing internet @tv on the 2010 models and as far as im aware you basically get the same apps i.e you tube bbc i player etc which im well happy with but at the end of the day it is your decision one last thing the c7000 series also has a real black filter to give better blacks
Thanks 3937,

That's made me feel allot better. The Black Filter is a good factor. Be interesting to find out the differences between the 3D modes of the TV and if there is a major difference between them?


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