Phileas said:
JMacMan said:
They then seem to go through a stage of becomming fanboys over a particular brand or marketing term, and oddly seem very prepared to abdicate all further thought into critical aspects of HiFi reproduction, as the simple, easy to understand brand or marketing mantra, works for them, and they cling to it as an evangelist clings to his religous beliefs. Indeed, any further discourse to investigate or critique the brand or marketing term, is repelled with vehement, but often not very logical or factual argument.
How would you characterise your feelings with regard to B&O? To me, you seem to fit the above description quite well.
Phileas: I think Chebby and Record Spot have both answered the question for me, however...
I like B&O a great deal, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it.
One of the things I like about it as a buying and living with experience, is that the company is exceptionally ethical and provides some of the most professional and best customer service I've ever experienced in a consumer purchase in my lifetime.
If you feel my talking about B&O on AVI's forums is fanboy like behaviour I would apologise - I've never been called a fanboy by either friend or acquaintance in my life, and I always endeavour to keep an open mind and see things from the other fellows point of view a well as my own, as well as being receptive and open to constructive criticism and new ideas when discussing anything with friends, be it online or in real life.
Where I've possibly pushed B&O perhaps a bit to hard over at AVI, is merely in response to the marketing juggernaut over there, where anything non AVI is patently a piece of rubbish that cannot possibly compare. I find such unjustified, insupportable conjecture and speculation, and the denigration of many fine companies and their products in the aid of drumming up business, unfair and unjust, and tend to respond accordingly.
Remember the humiliating and upsetting arguments/debates I had with AVI's chief spokesman over the merits of Class D? Particularly B&O's ICE power modules, which are patented and proprietary, and for which I produced factual evidence that showed their distortion measurements were up with the Class AB state of the art - despite claims to the opposite from AVI's spokesperson, and for which such measurements as I provided were peremptorily dismissed, and I was attacked for seemingly lacking the intelligence to understand said measurements, and besides, measurements don't tell the whole story, the sound is nowhere near as good as Class AB, etc, etc.
Now that AVI are finally using Class D - it's suddenly all good.....
As I say, I apologise If you feel my defence of B&O on AVI's forums is the actions of a fanboy - but do note, I've never said that they're the best brand or speaker Evaaahhh; I've never tried to sell them to people, or push them down peoples throats, and I don't denigrate AVI's products or anyone elses, nor do I tell AVI owners that they really wasted their money and should've bought B&O etc.
I'm not a B&O fanboy in my behaviour Phileas, but I do believe in fairness and justice, and will defend companies where I feel they are being patently and unfairly maligned.