Hi CNo, I've just been informed by my dealer that the AMS 35i will soon be discontinued, to be replaced by a new super-integrated called the NuVista 800.
The amp isn't on the MF website yet, but here are some excerpts from MF's email to dealers -
The NuVista 800 super integrated encompasses the design philosophy from several different eras: 1) State of the art tube circuit design 2) State of the art semi-conductor design 3) State of the art SMD design 4) CAD/CAM technology 5) Software programming. Never before have nuvistor tubes been combined with SMD technology and CAD/CAM design. The result is extraordinary sonic and technical performance. The dual monobloc power amps are a development from our legendary Titan amplifier. If you recall, the Titan received reviews said that it was one of the best amps ever made in the history of hi-fi. The power amp stages of the NuVista 800 develop, and improve, from that incredible starting point. What we have created with the NuVista 800 is an amplifier capable of performing at the very highest levels possible for electronics.
Technical performance
The NuVista 800’s technical performance is a little short of shattering. Distortion at 1 kHz is about 0.002%. At 10 kHz about 0.003% and at 20 kHz about 0.004%. These are extraordinary figures which prove the outstanding performance and implementation of the total circuit design integrity of the NuVista 800. Power is a comfortable 300 wpc with about 200 amps peak to peak current available. This amplifier is monster muscle man wearing an extremely sharp Italian suit, fine hand made shoes and the most delicate of accessories. Sound quality NuVista 800 sound quality is extraordinary. It has the warmth and delicacy of a triode tube amplifier but the power and heft to drive any loudspeaker easily, to any level you could ever want. Overall the sound is sweet and clear but with no grain or harshness. Dynamics, as you would expect, are delivered with incredible speed and precision. Low end is deep, extended and fast. High frequency transients are delivered with no harshness or edge. This amplifier appears to be spherical perfection…perfect whichever way you look at it.
Build quality
The NuVista 800 build quality is very high quality. The overall design is based on our legendary Titan. The front panel, top, back and bottom are all machined from mill spec solid aluminium billet. The heatsinks are custom made fine line extrusions finished to a very high level. We have tried to pay attention to every aspect of the finish to make the NuVista 800 a thing of masculine and powerful beauty. It is big, but not too big. It is heavy, but not too heavy. It’s exactly what you would expect from a Musical Fidelity super high-end amplifier. Pricing What we are promising with NuVista 800 is one of the best amps in the world, or ever made. Its finish is exquisite, the performance is breathtaking. The price is perhaps even more astonishing.
Having heard the amazing AMS35i, I'd be interested to hear how this new amp sounds.