Hi Guys,
The Luxman dealer came to my house to demo the 590AX with my focal 1028be's. The demo went for 45 minutes without performing an A/B test between the two (I felt it was not proper to do so, given the fact the AMS was a loaner from another dealer which I like a lot).
First, the Luxman 590AX looks stunning!!! it has smaller form factor than the MF (which looks like a huge power amp with a volume control knob
🙂) and it offers more features such as balance & tone controls, headphone jack and a phono stage.
I listened to some jazz albums in a low-to-moderate volume and it sounded really good... actually really really good :dance: I could hear every detail of the recording including low frequencies in a very low volume. It had similar class-a type of sound . I think both amps are in the same ballpark in terms of sounds quality.
Overall comparing between the two, I think the AMS has slightly warmer sound with less details than the Luxman, but nothing significant. something like 5% warmer with 3% less details. Quite hard to describe sound quality in terms of percentage, but this is the best I can....
I think I am able to live with both amps, they are really great, but I slightly prefer the sound of the AMS. Somehow it made me listen the the music as a whole without searching for details... I was just relaxing and listening to whatever it threw on me like saying, hey I trust you... Also drums were backward just as I wanted them, I felt it had slightly better balance & synergy with the focals. But again, this is my personal preference, both amps are really fantastic.
In terms of price, I got quite similar offers from both dealers, the AMS demo unit is slightly more expensive than a brand new Luxman. Right now I'm not sure how to proceed... meanwhile I will stay with the m6i (which is not bad at all :bounce: ), till/if I'll make up my mind to spend this amount of money (around $6K after trading my m6i).
I spent a week with the AMS at my home, just returned it to the dealer, I will definitely miss it
Very interesting Mute, good to hear your views.
Is it an option to have an extended home demo of the Luxman?
Must admit, now I've got the added features of tone controls and excellent built in headphone amp, I would be loathe to go back to an amp without.
Did you happen to ask about Accuphase Class A?