Well given that Cno, Acalex and a couple of others on this forum helped me choose my latest streamer, I thought I'd honour Cno's request and share my experiences on this thread.
Yesterday I took delivery of a used Linn Klimax Renew, and was very excited to get it home and try it out.
Initial 'unboxing' impressions were that I have quite possibly never paid quite so much for such a small lightweight and unassuming box (aside from SWMBO's engagement ring - but that was a long time ago!).
My system is as per my sig below, but to clarify I have a Primare SP32 (this is temporary, on loan until my new audio processor arrives) connected to some bespoke 1000 watt monoblcs, powering a pair of PMC MB2i's. Now I appreciate this is leaning slightly more towards home cinema than pure hifi, but I like to think it is of a high enough resolution to be able to subjectively review the audible impact of any upstream components.
My reference point for streaming is a Sonos ZP90 connected via digital coax to the SP32, and hard wired to the router (if that makes any difference).
So . . . I hooked the Renew up last night, via the balanced outputs, for a quick play about with it and I have to say . . . I'm a little dissappointed. Now before I get shot full of holes, dissappointed is perhaps the wrong word to use, probably a better way of putting it is I became incredibly impressed by just how good the Sonos option is.
Now make no mistake, the Renew sounded superb. Given a bit of juice (which frankly the MB's need to sound their best), the quality of the stereo sound field produced was superb. It was of course better than the Sonos - there was a slight increase in the separation between instruments and backing vocals, a slightly larger and more three dimensional soundstage, a touch more 'air' and detail retrieval and a noticable improvement in PRaT (I found my foot tapping much more with the Renew than with the Sonos).
However I use the words 'slight' and 'touch' purposefully because the Renew added (if I had to quantify it) possible 10% over the ZP90. Whilst this is a necessary step on the path towards audio nirvana, the increase wasn't at the 'chin on the floor' sort of level that I was anticipating for a streamer costing more than 10 times the price (and that being in its second hand reboxed form).
Now, one caveat - and this may well make all the difference, which other more experienced DS users way well be able to confirm. My media server doesn't currently have uPnP support, I need to add this when I get a little more time, so I was streaming to the Renew by using the mapped server network drive from my (wirelessly connected) laptop, and using the Kinksy desktop software (which I have to say was a little dire after being used to the slickness of the Sonos interface). So, if my understanding of the data flow is correct, the network path was:
Server > Router > (Wireless) > Laptop > (Wireless) > Router > Klimax Renew
Whether or not this connection setup is doing a disservice to the Renew I will only be able to test once I get uPnP server software working on my media server (UnRaid), which I will attempt tonight and which will provide a direct hardwired connection between Renew and server without bringing a PC into play. If anyone else has any experience of this, please feel free to shed some light.
Perhaps there is something else that I am missing - perhaps the DAC in the SP32 is better than I am giving it credit for (I haven't been too impressed with the SP32 generally) which is narrowing the gap (remember I'm not using the DAC in the ZP90).
Needless to say the Renew will be staying in the rack as it does sound better, and more testing is required on my part, but these are my initial observations in any case.
Yesterday I took delivery of a used Linn Klimax Renew, and was very excited to get it home and try it out.
Initial 'unboxing' impressions were that I have quite possibly never paid quite so much for such a small lightweight and unassuming box (aside from SWMBO's engagement ring - but that was a long time ago!).
My system is as per my sig below, but to clarify I have a Primare SP32 (this is temporary, on loan until my new audio processor arrives) connected to some bespoke 1000 watt monoblcs, powering a pair of PMC MB2i's. Now I appreciate this is leaning slightly more towards home cinema than pure hifi, but I like to think it is of a high enough resolution to be able to subjectively review the audible impact of any upstream components.
My reference point for streaming is a Sonos ZP90 connected via digital coax to the SP32, and hard wired to the router (if that makes any difference).
So . . . I hooked the Renew up last night, via the balanced outputs, for a quick play about with it and I have to say . . . I'm a little dissappointed. Now before I get shot full of holes, dissappointed is perhaps the wrong word to use, probably a better way of putting it is I became incredibly impressed by just how good the Sonos option is.
Now make no mistake, the Renew sounded superb. Given a bit of juice (which frankly the MB's need to sound their best), the quality of the stereo sound field produced was superb. It was of course better than the Sonos - there was a slight increase in the separation between instruments and backing vocals, a slightly larger and more three dimensional soundstage, a touch more 'air' and detail retrieval and a noticable improvement in PRaT (I found my foot tapping much more with the Renew than with the Sonos).
However I use the words 'slight' and 'touch' purposefully because the Renew added (if I had to quantify it) possible 10% over the ZP90. Whilst this is a necessary step on the path towards audio nirvana, the increase wasn't at the 'chin on the floor' sort of level that I was anticipating for a streamer costing more than 10 times the price (and that being in its second hand reboxed form).
Now, one caveat - and this may well make all the difference, which other more experienced DS users way well be able to confirm. My media server doesn't currently have uPnP support, I need to add this when I get a little more time, so I was streaming to the Renew by using the mapped server network drive from my (wirelessly connected) laptop, and using the Kinksy desktop software (which I have to say was a little dire after being used to the slickness of the Sonos interface). So, if my understanding of the data flow is correct, the network path was:
Server > Router > (Wireless) > Laptop > (Wireless) > Router > Klimax Renew
Whether or not this connection setup is doing a disservice to the Renew I will only be able to test once I get uPnP server software working on my media server (UnRaid), which I will attempt tonight and which will provide a direct hardwired connection between Renew and server without bringing a PC into play. If anyone else has any experience of this, please feel free to shed some light.
Perhaps there is something else that I am missing - perhaps the DAC in the SP32 is better than I am giving it credit for (I haven't been too impressed with the SP32 generally) which is narrowing the gap (remember I'm not using the DAC in the ZP90).
Needless to say the Renew will be staying in the rack as it does sound better, and more testing is required on my part, but these are my initial observations in any case.