The British Broadcasting Corporation....

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And Chebby, I'm not talking about my
views, I'm just saying that people will be angry (rightfully or not)
when they have to pay for things they don't use. I clearly stated that
personally I am fine with paying for such servives.

Ok Chris. I see.

I still hope you are wrong about them though.

I regularly have to switch over stuff on BBC TV and Radio because something I don't like has come on. I don't start demanding a refund because the BBC has failed to provide me with exactly what I want 24x7 on every channel.

There is a saying about being careful what you wish for I think.

In fact some of the greatest TV successes were produced by brave people who decided to give the public something they didn't know they wanted. (Some of the greatest TV flops too,)

chris_beale:...or that the recently reported £5.50 of the fee goes to help the elderly change to digital, they don't like it. Who wants to pay for what they don't use?

Yeah, don't you just hate it when we have to cough up a fiver to help an old person?

Personally I hate it when we cough up £Xmillion to help people like Mr J Woss.
With commercial networks I know I am the 'product' (not the programmes nor the products being advertised).

The audiences are the 'commodity' being traded and the programme content merely a vehicle to deliver them.

I prefer the relationship we have with the BBC where we are paying them to make products/services for us (even if it is problematic at times) and we the audience are not being sold from company to company like so many 'Pork belly futures' or other nebulous investment item.
Concur with chebby here, Murdoch was one of the worst influences to befall the British public for years. I would not have Sky if it as given away for free, just cannot stand the man or his world domination policy.........

Personally I hate it when we cough up £Xmillion to help people like Mr J Woss.

But love helping to make the Murdochs some of the richest most powerful individuals in the world with the ability to influence elections of world leaders and mould public attitudes on a whim?

I don't know where you got that from. I am impressed by your imagination, but if you're implying that it reflects my views, then let me reassure you: I didn't say that, nor would I. I don't begrudge a penny of the licence fee for what it provides, but I like to think I am able view the BBC sufficiently dispassionately to see there are some areas where I think we get poor value for money. The only subscription to commercial TV I make is when I buy something that is advertised on it, and approx 99.99999999% of the time I am unaware of the connection. If that is supporting the Murdochs, then I am as guilty as the next man.
Sorry JC I mistakenly thought you were one the people who wanted every single penny of every BBC employee and talent hiring (from janitor to Jonathan) scrutinised and picked over in the 'court' of the Daily Mail, whilst cheerfully ignoring the Murdoch empire's virtual tax free status in the UK for well over a decade at one time. (And maybe still.)
one off:why are you forced to pay if you dont watch bbc its undemocratic

So would you say the same about the NHS or your local library or Meals on Wheels or the other 101 services we all contribute to?
All channels should be subscription based and charged a nominal amount, those that want to have all channels could pay close to what the fee is now, I would pay for around 8 as it stands now. After all, choice is king and I don't mind paying for it... Just not the license fee as it is now.

Would this not promote better competition between channels? I would pay to have the bbc channels... lets say £1.00 for sd and £1.50 for HD



And Chebby, I'm not talking about my views, I'm just saying that people will be angry (rightfully or not) when they have to pay for things they don't use. I clearly stated that personally I am fine with paying for such servives.

Ok Chris. I see.

I still hope you are wrong about them though.

I regularly have to switch over stuff on BBC TV and Radio because something I don't like has come on. I don't start demanding a refund because the BBC has failed to provide me with exactly what I want 24x7 on every channel.

There is a saying about being careful what you wish for I think.

In fact some of the greatest TV successes were produced by brave people who decided to give the public something they didn't know they wanted. (Some of the greatest TV flops too,)

I can understand why people object to paying the BBC fee. The problem is wider than just paying a license.

With introduction of cable, satalite channels etc. programmes are spread so thinly, that quality ultimately drops. I believe if the BBC and the big hitting commercial companies spent our money on new exciting dramas/documentaries, rather than churning out repeats, I certainly wouldn't object to paying more.

I think the current methods need to change, although at this stage, I'm stuck for a viable alternative.
As some of you may be aware the BBC is already ahead of the game with plans for SuperHD and 3D coverage of 2012

I think this just shows the BBC are a company investing in the future. personally I've never seen 3D t.v, and dont really like the idea of it, but superHD sounds promising, though in reality I think its at least 5 years away before we start to see SuperHD products hit the mainstream.
one off:why are you forced to pay if you dont watch bbc its undemocratic

We are forced to pay because when radio was invented, the government of the time thought it was the correct way to do it and the system hasn't changed since then, except to embrace that new-fangled TV thingy. It's actually one of the few taxes we can avoid, so you shouldn't complain about it too loudly.

Regarding the "undemocratic" bit, we've never held a referendum on it so it's just your opinion that it's undemocratic. I wouldn't go as far as to suggest this forum is a perfect cross-section of the UK population, but judging by the responses here I reckon it could go either way.
As some of you may be aware the BBC is already ahead of the game with plans for SuperHD and 3D coverage of 2012

I think this just shows the BBC are a company investing in the future. personally I've never seen 3D t.v, and dont really like the idea of it, but superHD sounds promising, though in reality I think its at least 5 years away before we start to see SuperHD products hit the mainstream.

So, the fee I pay is going towards rendering at least one channel useless to me for two weeks? I guess if I could afford HD or SuperHD I could at least be satisfied with that. Oh and no Sky or similar here as I can't afford those either.
I actually cant afford a high def t.v either so I'm stll using a normal t.v that was given me. But I'm still glad the option is there when I get the money.

As it happens, I'd rather spend my money on music and hifi equipment, as I only watch about 3 - 5 hours max of t.v a week, and then thats mostly news.

As the other bloke said, your not charged for radio, so your getting a service free of charge, from the people who have paid thier license fee.

Regarding the comment about this forum being split 50/50 on opinion about the BBC and its license fee, research by the BBC says the figure is 4 in 5, feel proud of the BBC and I guess happy to pay the license.

I dont work for the BBC but I just think that its good that the British people have something that is ours, which is not up for sale (yet) like other british firms like cadburys etc, and then is totally wrecked by the new owners and what has been achieved is lost.

We have to keep something ours, otherwise we might as well put the whole UK, on ebay to the highest bidder.
Andrew Everard:The Last Night of the Proms is on BBC2 and BBC1 this Saturday evening. And in HD, Flags at the ready, everyone...

Oh I do wish they wouldn't.
Ah yes forgot about the proms in the park, I'll be there in singleton park in Swansea tommorow, great fun!

Been there every year since it started best £8 you'll spend.
The BBC do a great job in my opinion, and while not 100% unbiased (it is arguable that this is impossible) it comes much closer than any other newspaper / TV station that I are to think about. James Murdoch is either a fool or up it is in his favour to bad mouth the bbc. As trust worth as the rest of the Murdoch family.
Andrew Everard:
Nadeac:all its really for is to keep pre madonna tv personalities in overpaid jobs!!

And of course those who have come along since Madonna...

Never miss one do you