one off:so you accuse someone of something they say their not then want to hide offline in case your wrong so much for jerusalem
The evidence for my assertion that Meniscus is Bluetorric is 50/50 on this forum and the Naim users forum and simply would not be allowable - under our house rules - for many reasons apart from the obvious one of providing links to a competing hifi forum and the completely off-topic nature of the discussion. One also needs to be logged into the Naim forum to see some of it.
Basically from the earliest system onwards (Arcam A75+/CD72/B&W CM1s) onwards - and thoughout - the components discusssed by Bluetorric and Meniscus have been identical right up until his current system on both fora (as both Bluetorric and then Meniscus in the case of the WHF forums).
A google search even showed up ebay feedback from Bluetorric for very recent analogue items that Meniscus owns. (The Exact items in all cases)
I was getting a little tired of jibes from Meniscus in the recent past (posted here) referring to posts in another forum and fed up with being at the disadvantage of not knowing who was doing it. Meniscus stated he wished to remain anonymous and advised me of the wisdom of using different names if I was to avoid him continuing.
I found the 'different name' and was suprised to find it here too as a defunct ID.
Heck, the WHF 'Bluetorric' even mentioned being an optician. (Meniscus lens?). Although that is only incidental.
Here is one little test of the probabilities....
Both people bought a Supernait after a 'windfall'.
Here we see both people suffered a broken B&W CM1 tweeter from a small child poking it...
On their own, coincidental, but together with all the other 'co-incidences' spread across two forums it would be astounding if they were
not the same person.