paulbroke said:Hi everyone,
My last 7.1 setup has finished 😉
Hi Paul,
That is one nice set up sir. Looks great well done.
paulbroke said:Hi everyone,
My last 7.1 setup has finished 😉
Hi Paul,
That is one nice set up sir. Looks great well done.
stigi said:Thanks Ricky for the info ,I will have a look have not totally handed cash over yet for the Lx 85 lol read and read and read up so much but as price has come down on the 85 is why it maybe a decission winner and read its good combo with the apex's all the audio staff I have talked to aswell say how good the Pioneer is some have said they have had trouble with a few Onkyo sound boards in past aswell on couple machines. So many to choose its a mine field lol . :cheers:
RickyDeg said:Guys, I know you Pioneer owners above love Oppo (good machine!) and Cambridge (also good machine!) but I can't imagine why you don't opt for an appropriate Pioneer blu-ray player so you can utilize one of the finer aspects of your receiver - the jitterkiller PQLS, which can only be achieved with a suitable brand player. Apart from MCACC isn't that one of the reasons of owning an LX machine and something you'd wanna explore? If I were you I'd look more closely at those.
stigi said:Yes Ricky I have been reading all your threads on different Av receiver tests ,I was maybe thinking of onkyo new flagship Txnr5010 which does have Audyssey but then have to look at is it way to good for the speakers to really notice upgrading to a £3k receiver Only reason I'm looking at Lx85 was price the so called (Experts ?) Audio store staff lol its hard to listen to them as sometimes you can here the salesman in them more than when you just want a true answer lol I understand a £2k receiver is going to be better in everyway than a £1k so spending couple hundred more and getting a much better receiver what looks a bargain with the apex's going up to top end pioneer's new flagship 86 or onkyo'5010 would I really notice that much Hmmmmmm. As you say testing is the only true way In the past I had a Onkyo set up with at time best 1st Plasma Lowe Tv £10 k which was a nightmare went wrong every few months Lowe tech was sent out to me and Tv was sent back to Germany so I know expensive is not always Guarantee to Bliss /Heaven :rofl: lol