The Apex Club

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draenor said:
First day of demoing, no apex but did try the Marants SR7007 and Pioneer LX86. Both were great, but I still have no idea how they'd perform with the Apex. I suppose the only fear is the Pioneer being bright with the Apex, though maybe that's easy to tweak? I also hate dealers, one wouldn't sell the Pioneer with the Apex while the other wouldn't sell anything but.

I can recommend the Apex - Pioneer combo, bright does not come into it at least with the 85.

And yes you can lower the high frequency if need be by 3dB.
Thank you for the warm recommendation michael! Technically "warm/cold" sounds would be the result of an amplifier unable (or deliberately) to reproduce a flat frequency response. With a powerful EQ setting that *should* pose no problem though I guess it's a matter of the default characteristics of an amplifier when people make these statements.
To draenor, that's exactly my setup, although I've got two other extra speakers for front heights. The looks of the sub match the speakers. I'm currently using a Denon 3313 but am replacing that with a Yamaha 2020 in days. I'm sure the 1020 would be a good match. Personally I'd go for that over the Onkyo and use some front presence speakers which Yamaha do so well and it makes a difference. Cooler looking amp as well but obviously no XT32 and the YPAO on the 1020 doesn't EQ the sub though it does on the 2020, which might be important to you.
michael hoy said:
The choice of amp should not rely on the eq software alone, some manual tweaking will always be required.

No amp has a perfect EQ programme to do it all for you.

Quite so but personally I'd want something that was going to help in EQing the sub.
haha, no you're absolutely right michael. I think what I meant was given a great sounding amp, a bit of eq:ing might close the gap to that preferred sound, whether it's warmth, brightness or something else that is desired.

@Mtenga, I'm glad to hear about the good design match with the BK 🙂
Yes you need to try and put your LCR in the most suitable location and the rears too. My LCR are not in the best position as I have to have a stepped arrangement but ARC and the angled speaker baffle have all but eliminatedd any discrepancies. Ideally My L and R would be 8" lower but not doable.

Ideally the sub should be positioned properly but not always possible in a sitting room. I have one position for my sub and I have a drop off at 22hz..PBK and ARC have improved the subs response no end but either I move the sub or drop in a second one to even out the response.

Room treatments are not necessarily needed if you run top flight room EQ,but yes the usual apply ie a nice rug and some soft furnishings and some curtains will all help.
ric71 said:
Good Room EQ makes a massive difference.

Trinnov,ARC,XT32,XT32pro,Room Perfect,PBK..

I don't deny good room EQ makes a difference, but it should not be used in a lazy way and just rely on the software to do all the work.

Some human interaction is still required.
Hey guys! An update on my defect AW-12 subwoofer reported earlier.

My dealer just called after having had the unit for service for 2 weeks. Apparently they had to replace the entire amp-section inside as there was some form of unusual short circuit (?) that stopped the received signal from transmitting sound onward to the speaker cone. Hence, the old amp-section was powering up as normal but could not output any audio. That was the explanation I was given. Weird.

Due to the oddity of the defect the repair comes at no cost despite being outside warranty! :grin:
Hey again guys! No good news I'm afraid...

Those of you who read my earlier posts about the issues with one of my AW-12's are not gonna believe it. I picked up my repaired unit yesterday at my dealer (after having replaced the entire amp-section). I went home, plugged it in, set it to Auto turn-on, switched on the power. (the LED-light on the back turned red to indicate stand-by, just as it should be). Then I started playback of some music through my receiver and *BANG* - the back of the subwoofer made a loud unsettling noise and died on me before it even began to sing! Was expecting to see smoke from the back of the unit!

Just don't get it 😡 Never had this kind of trouble with other subwoofers throughout the years. Time to call the dealer again... Monitor Audio - what's up with your subwoofer amplifiers?! Might be the shop's fault during the repair, but I just don't know...? Either way, I'm unhappy, as anyone would be.
Hey again guys! :wave: Enjoying the summer?

Just got word from my dealer that they will replace my defect AW-12 with a completely new unit! So looks like things will be alright after all. On another note I'd like to add that today I placed my order for NuForce AVP-18 [/b]processor and the NuForce MCH-300SEC7[/b] high-end multichannel amplifier. I'm upgrading from my Denon receiver (2009 model) and returning to separates again for the first time in 12 years. This is bound to be a killer kombo, I'm hoping, taking the Apex speaker system to new heights. I'm expecting the amp in particular to delivery bomastic dynamics by the bucketfull, and the simplicity of the processor yet with it's advanced EQ will be interesting. The two demos I've had of this combo truly blew my socks off!

I'll make sure to post first impressions and then detailed findings within 2-3 weeks.
Without saying I told you so - i said it was the amp module that was acting up!! - Check earlier posts if you will.

Bad luck for it to go twice - obviously wasnt repaired properly, sounds like two wires touching inside or something similar.

Digital amps are far more sensitive and can go into protection much easier. Or bang in your case
ellisdj said:
Without saying I told you so - i said it was the amp module that was acting up!! - Check earlier posts if you will.

Bad luck for it to go twice - obviously wasnt repaired properly, sounds like two wires touching inside or something similar.

Digital amps are far more sensitive and can go into protection much easier. Or bang in your case

Yes, you were likely right! This unfortunate experience with the AW-12 really does suck. According to the distributor they have sold quite a number of Apex systems in my country for a few years now but my AW-12 was the first that reported an error. Twice, no less.
19th day of testing, agonizing and infiltrating the final shortlist has swung around to Pioneer lx86 and Yamaha 3020 (the latter 2k £ less); others discarded due to lack of taste, retailers or android/ios support. Never imagined joining the club to be this much effort 🙂
draenor said:
19th day of testing, agonizing and infiltrating the final shortlist has swung around to Pioneer lx86 and Yamaha 3020 (the latter 2k £ less); others discarded due to lack of taste, retailers or android/ios support. Never imagined joining the club to be this much effort 🙂

HA! Well, I'm sure it'll be worth the effort once you pick which one of those two that suits your personal taste and demands the most.
Well I've only gone and done it and purchased myself some Apex speakers in gloss black!

However, I've been use to having floorstanders for the front left and right and someone on here once mentioned I might find that I loose a bit of weight at the front if I only use A10's so I've gone for ........

Silver RX6 for the front left and right channels, Apex A40 Centre, Apex A10's for satellites in a 7.1 set up.

Should be delivered on Tuesday and I cannot wait to get these beauties set up!! 🙂
Congrats Simon! Hope you'll have fun setting them up, running them in and experimenting! :grin:

It's an interesting, if somewhat odd mix of big floorstanders together with Apex, but it just might suit you! Personally, I come from owning big floorstanders and haven't looked back. There are moments I miss that fullness in pure 2-channel stereo for music, but since I only listen to music multichannel (5.2) nowadays that happens so rarely. In my opinion Apex kill many other bigger sized speakers for multichannel as they play so well together as a team with no one speaker drawing attention over the other. I always had problems in the past making big and small speakers play well together, integrated as 'one' unit, which is exactly what you wanna look for with multichannel playback. There is a reason studio mixers use sub/sat systems instead of full-sized ones. Compared to RX6 I'd say the A10's miss a tad midrage and bass weight of course, but the latter is easily accomodated for by the inclusion of a well-integrated subwoofer. Besides, smaller "satellite" speakers like the A10 can offer other advantages bigger speakers can't. Having that said, Apex isn't the end-all sub/sat system either, but it sure is a darn capable one! Next weekend I'll hook mine up to a high-end NuForce pre/pro with a hugely powerful amplifer and it'll be interesting to see just how much Apex are gonna bloom with that baby in charge (as I know they will).

What receiver/amp are you using with these?
At the moment I have a Pioneer LX55. Only had it a year or so so I'm not looking at changing that. Look forward to hearing how you get on wiht the new set up. I bet it will sound amazing!
From mindless wanderer to aspiring owner, the happiness of this camper lies in the form of in-delivery apex sattelites and center partnered with bk elec xls200 df sub and Yamaha a3020 receiver.

The Yamaha over the pioneer lx86 was a difficult decision ultimately based on the current price and possibly the somewhat easier partnering capabilities. Performance and sound wise I could have gone for either..

The only other alternative in the end was examining to replace the fronts with kef ls50, though the size difference and inabilily to audition how they blend together made me refrain from it 🙂

Thanks for all the feedback this far, it's been immensely valuable to me. Perhaps i'll even get to share a photo or two in the near future.
draenor said:
From mindless wanderer to aspiring owner, the happiness of this camper lies in the form of in-delivery apex sattelites and center partnered with bk elec xls200 df sub and Yamaha a3020 receiver.

The Yamaha over the pioneer lx86 was a difficult decision ultimately based on the current price and possibly the somewhat easier partnering capabilities. Performance and sound wise I could have gone for either..

The only other alternative in the end was examining to replace the fronts with kef ls50, though the size difference and inabilily to audition how they blend together made me refrain from it 🙂

Thanks for all the feedback this far, it's been immensely valuable to me. Perhaps i'll even get to share a photo or two in the near future.

Hope you have many a happy hour listening to your new system, please post some pictures soon.
RickyDeg said:
Next weekend I'll hook mine up to a high-end NuForce pre/pro with a hugely powerful amplifer and it'll be interesting to see just how much Apex are gonna bloom with that baby in charge (as I know they will).

Hi RickyDeg

Apex speakers should be fine

As you know one of the amplifiers i use with A10's and A40's is a Plinius Odean multi channel power amplifier :twisted:

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
RickyDeg said:
Next weekend I'll hook mine up to a high-end NuForce pre/pro with a hugely powerful amplifer and it'll be interesting to see just how much Apex are gonna bloom with that baby in charge (as I know they will).

Hi RickyDeg

Apex speakers should be fine

As you know one of the amplifiers i use with A10's and A40's is a Plinius Odean multi channel power amplifier :twisted:

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Wouldn't want my Apex to be only "fine" - they need to ROCK! :rockout: HA!

I can't imagine them doing anything other than just that with your mighty Plinius Odean. That seems an incredible amplifier, and very stylish too. Although for my needs it's much too bulky. What pre/pro are you using with it? The Audiolab or Marantz?
Well I have them delivered set them up, calibrated them and wow.... AMAZING!

Compared to the Kef eggs and Kef floorstanders i used to own these speakers are worlds apart. I've actually gone for Silver RX8 in piano gloss black for the front left and right. A40 centre and A10's for the surrounds in a 7.1 setup. Managed to get the RX8's for £35 more than I'd been quoted on the RX6's due to dealer quoting wrong price but honouring it!!

I was worried these wouldn't blend in and the RX8's might have too much bass but I was wrong. The whole system now sounds amazing. Great on both music and movies. The sound stage is much bigger and this might be a daft thing to say but I've found the satellites seem to disappear now and there's just a greater sense of sound around you. Not sure that even explains what I'm trying to say.

Anyway, Even the wife commented how good it sounded and for me that's the best review I can get


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