hubiedubie said:
Have spent most of the weekend listening to the Apex as they break in and the experience has been very positive. Tried all sorts of music and lot's of movies too. Have partnered them with the Yamaha RX-A2010 which provides an incredibly musical combination. My previous experiences with style speaker systems were the B&W MT30s, the FPM4s and the B&W XT4s, all in conjunction with an Arcam AVR350.
The Apex / Yamaha combination comfortably outperforms all systems by a country mile for music and film.
How do they stack up against 'proper' speakers? Hard to say really. My last set of speakers was the B&W 803Ds which were obviously far superior. The biggest thing i notice is that the soundstage depth isn't nearly has holographic (in stereo). However this could be because I've been forced to place the 2 A40s on either side of my screen which is a little close together for optimal stereo listening. Also the midrange is a small bit recessed in comparison to some floorstanders I've heard.
So all in all, I'm a very happy camper. These speakers seem to comfortably outperform other speakers in their category. They also punch well above their weight in terms of price. Traditionally shaped speakers will better them in some areas in stereo but I think the gap is small.
First off, thank you for sharing your initial findings
hubiedubie, it's great to know you've had positive experiences so far. Also the shortcomings in your comparison-comments are interesting aswell. I'd just like to add that you will likely continue to hear improvements from these speakers as there is no way you managed to break them in just over the weekend. I look forward to perhaps testing my own set with a Yamaha RX-A3010 sometime. I have however a big love for Audyssey right now. 3 x A40's in the front must be killer. I planned on that myself at first, but for several reasons I had to scrap that idea. Would love to see a photo of your set-up if you care to share it.