I have 2 Technics 1200s up in my study for DJing purposes. Fantastic bits of kit - albeit rather dated now by modern djing standards. They do look fantastic though!
For your purpose the deck will still sound pretty good, although I confess not to have heard any 'specialist' standalone player.
Cartridges are very important and if you check out the ortofon website and look at some of their carts - the dj ones, I think you won't go far wrong. They look very impressive too (although I know I'll get a bashing for that statement!) Often referred to as 'Concordes' because of how they look. They screw in very simply to the arm too meaning no fiddling around with mountings etc. I have had Stanton's in the past too, and they are also good, although I found them to skip occasionally. As you're not scratching that won't be a problem!
I run my decks through a very old Technics surround sound amp (via a Technics mixer) and the sound is pretty good. It will not rate very highly though for a standalone set-up and I think it got only 3 stars when it came out in 1997!!
I would advise you to look on eBay for some second hand amps by Technics - they were pretty good in their day, will complement your deck (albeit mainly aesthetically) well and there should be some bargains around.
Hope that helps - sorry it's from a DJ's prospective, but they are great players the decks - hope you find what you want.