Yes. Been using AR since the early 90s. The valves in my current amp need replacing really, but it's an expense I can't afford at the moment. After using various solid state phono stages (Graham Slee & Trichord to name a couple) I came across the EAT petite. I Loved it and eventually upgraded to the EAT E Glo S. The Ref 5 SE and EAT E Glo S go so well together. I can't imagine moving away from them now.
My last three power amps were MF (P270 that I had for 25+ years), then Bryston ( 3B then 4B ST). I was all set set to buy a Bryston 4B3 to continue the synergy with my PMCs but by chance took home the ex dem Burmester from Criterion Audio for a home demo and never took it back ( I did pay for it!).
As a stroke of incredible luck, the 036 had a buzz that just couldn't be rectified, so it went back to Burmester for repair. To my astonishment they sent me back a new one!
It would be crass to say it doesn't sound great, but you know how it is. Always looking for the next tweak!
In truth, my room isn't really big enough to let it breath properly but my hifi is my pride and joy. Just wish I got to listen to it more!