Suggestion for what hifi


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Jul 27, 2008
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I have an idea that has worked on other forums that maybe a idea for what hifi to do. At times I notice that forum topics gets hijacked into debates for example on cables. A couple of other forums I belong to have a seperate forum topic set aside for debates. I think that helps when a person who asks a simple question there query dosent then turn into a debating match or just going around in circles trying to prove who is right and wrong.
Haveing a seperate forum for those who want to debate an issue could be set aside for this, just an idea.
Have a great day everyone :)


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Nov 6, 2011
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Hi Steve,

Sounds like a good idea, easy to implement... although I'm sure some of the more argumentative types around here will protest and shoot you down in flames. I would post more here but for some of the characters, I let them get on with their age old disagreements. Great entertainment when witnessed from the safety of the side lines! ;-)

Joe Cox

Content Director, What Hi-Fi?
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Are all forum threads not for healthy debate, though? Genuine question. And how do you know when a thread will descend in to circular madness? Everyone trying to be civil sounds like a plan, though I know that doesn't always work in theory!


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Dec 29, 2012
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Joe Cox said:
Are all forum threads not for healthy debate, though? Genuine question. And how do you know when a thread will descend in to circular madness? Everyone trying to be civil sounds like a plan, though I know that doesn't always work in theory!

Yes a forum is a place for discussion or debate, however some threads do seem to get rather tedious, long winded, vicious and with many similar ones can clog up the forum, I notice one other hifi forum bans posts about cables, maybe WHF could do the same or have a sub section for them? Sometimes it seems more like What cable than What hifi.


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A couple of other forums do it and it works quite well, if for example someone forum topic is cables make no difference to sound, you know that belongs to the debating forums. If someone asks for recommeded cables for nad amp then it would belong tothe hifi or cables section. I suppose it hard if someone asks a question then it goes the way of debates then the moderator asesses the situation.

Have a look at its well set up with clear guidelines, the section is called the great debate.




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Jan 5, 2013
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Ooer, I don't think banning discussion is a good idea, but I do agree that cable threads are generally tedious and longwinded and an excuse for some people to take off the gloves when they're having a bad day (or life) and so maybe they could be moved to the Accessories forum, which seems to me where they should be anyway...perhaps they should be moved there if started in the main h-fi forum, or have a hi-fi Accessories sub fourm and move them there. Maybe if the spotlight was removed from them they wouldn't last so long...egos don't do so well in dimly lit rooms.


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The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
I notice one other hifi forum bans posts about cables, maybe WHF could do the same or have a sub section for them?

Well either it should be pointed out more as many people don't put cable posts on there and the moderator maybe should move all cable and other accessory posts onto that section. As said cables are banned on other forum from the main hifi forum.


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Oct 16, 2008
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BigH said:
The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
I notice one other hifi forum bans posts about cables, maybe WHF could do the same or have a sub section for them?

Well either it should be pointed out more as many people don't put cable posts on there and the moderator maybe should move all cable and other accessory posts onto that section. As said cables are banned on other forum from the main hifi forum.

There is no "main" hi-fi forum here. There is a Hi-Fi forum but I don't think you can argue it's the "main" forum here, I don't think here has a "main" forum.


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Jan 5, 2013
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Well, it's the first main forum because it is at the top of the What H-Fi board, it's also called Hi-FI and there are subforums pertaining to hi-fi 'beneath' it, so it's therefore fair to refer to it as the main Hi-Fi my opinion. It seems to be the most frequently posted in as well, perhaps indicating it's the 'main' forum that people head to when posting regarding Hi-Fi...etc.

Sorry, ;) :silenced: :)


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Apr 15, 2008
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I agree with the_lhc just because the hifi section is at the top of the page it doesn't make the main forum, if i'm totally honest the hifi section is the one i normally avoid because it's the one i'm least interested in and tend to look at the other forums. :p


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Dec 29, 2012
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The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
I notice one other hifi forum bans posts about cables, maybe WHF could do the same or have a sub section for them?

Well either it should be pointed out more as many people don't put cable posts on there and the moderator maybe should move all cable and other accessory posts onto that section. As said cables are banned on other forum from the main hifi forum.

There is no "main" hi-fi forum here. There is a Hi-Fi forum but I don't think you can argue it's the "main" forum here, I don't think here has a "main" forum.

Well the Hifi forum then.

Whats the point of having sections and sub-sections if people don't use them?


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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BigH said:
The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
The_Lhc said:
BigH said:
I notice one other hifi forum bans posts about cables, maybe WHF could do the same or have a sub section for them?

Well either it should be pointed out more as many people don't put cable posts on there and the moderator maybe should move all cable and other accessory posts onto that section. As said cables are banned on other forum from the main hifi forum.

There is no "main" hi-fi forum here. There is a Hi-Fi forum but I don't think you can argue it's the "main" forum here, I don't think here has a "main" forum.

Well the Hifi forum then.

Whats the point of having sections and sub-sections if people don't use them?

No idea, although with the limited amount of traffic on here I don't personally see the point, I almost never go into the different forums, just using (as I've said previously) the active threads/latest posts button instead.


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