Subwoofer on stereo amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
is it possible to add a subwoofer to a stereo amp? I have small wall mounted speakers and wanted to add a sub but as its not a HT receiver doesnt have a sub input?

Its an arcam amp / rel subwoofer, any ideas ?

Thanks, Ian
It is possible depending on the connections on the amp and sub.

If there is a pre-out on the amp (for example, to add a power amp) then this can be connected using a standard phono cable to the sub.

Otherwise you can generally connect the amp to the sub using the speaker outputs. You would need to run two sets of cable from the amp to feed the speakers and the sub independantly.
Most Rel subs with a special connecter that you connect directly to the Speaker level outputs from your amp and connect the speaker wires to the special Rel connecter.

Rel's are good subs for music and I am sure you will enjoy the sound better.

If the subwoofer has twin crossover, use the high-level connection.
Thanks. i'll give the phono input a whirl as its easiest and i have one to hand.

does it matter on the amp which input the sub cable goes into it has both the pre out L and R?

Thanks, Ian


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