Standmounters max.1000 pounds


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


You've got a decent budget. If you like MAs but want to hear something a bit different look at Ruark Sabre III. Heard these several times and love them. They are fairly compact but are easy to place. As for an amp and CDP I'd look at Roksan Kandy K2 or Creek Evo II. Alternatively, listen to Rotel, Arcam - all should sound good with Ruarks.

You audition speakers such as ATC SM7 or 11, PMC DB1s....

The list is endless - hope this has given you some pointers for a decent audition.
Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers. As for electronics, it's a minefield! So many options. Cyrus are supposed to be the match for VA speakers so you could start there. Certain Sevenoaks and Audio T stores will enable you to demo these combinations. If you are in the North, Fanthorpes are another shop that sell them too. I would also recommend the Cambridge Audio 840 range.

Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers. As for electronics, it's a minefield! So many options. Cyrus are supposed to be the match for VA speakers so you could start there. Certain Sevenoaks and Audio T stores will enable you to demo these combinations. If you are in the North, Fanthorpes are another shop that sell them too. I would also recommend the Cambridge Audio 840 range.

How much do the VA Grands retail for?
plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:JohnnyLion:

Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers. As for electronics, it's a minefield! So many options. Cyrus are supposed to be the match for VA speakers so you could start there. Certain Sevenoaks and Audio T stores will enable you to demo these combinations. If you are in the North, Fanthorpes are another shop that sell them too. I would also recommend the Cambridge Audio 840 range.

How much do the VA Grands retail for?

£999 I think.
Gerrardasnails:plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:JohnnyLion:

Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers. As for electronics, it's a minefield! So many options. Cyrus are supposed to be the match for VA speakers so you could start there. Certain Sevenoaks and Audio T stores will enable you to demo these combinations. If you are in the North, Fanthorpes are another shop that sell them too. I would also recommend the Cambridge Audio 840 range.

How much do the VA Grands retail for?

£999 I think.

Cheers, Gerrard.
I heard the Haydns with Naim, And it sounded pretty good to me. The Cyrus could be a touch lean, and Naim amps are certainly fuller.
Good afternoon,

I am new here and want to hear some opinions from you guys.

In the past i did own some big Monitor audio speakers (i think rs8) but I moved to a smaller house and sold all my kit.

Now I want to buy a new set and I am looking for standmounters, because my room is only 4*5 meters + I think standmounters offer better value.

Of course I need an amp + cd player too. So total budget would be around 2,500 pounds.

I play music like Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen, Clapton, Dylan, The Doors etc. and sometimes some newer music like Franz Ferdinand and heavier music like Opeth and Porcupine tree.

So next month I want to contact some dealers to demo. Does anyone can give me some tips for a nice balanced set around 2500 pounds I can give demo?

thanks all


Hi John

I'll recommend the following

Rega Apollo, Naim Nait 5i and Dynaudio DM 2/6 or DM 2/7

Naim CD 5i, Nait 5i and DM 2/6 or DM 2/7

CD 5i, Nait 5i and ATC SCM11

Rega DAC/Yamaha CD-S300, Nait 5i and ATC SCM11

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Rick,

Thanks for your advice.

I was looking at some other topics and it seems dynaudio is recommended by many people who like rock music.

I also noticed some people talking about the ADM 9.1, is this a good set for my room/music pref?

In a 4*5 mtr room can you recommend any floorstanders? Cause my old MA rs8 was too boomy in my room but maybe their other floorstanders who can be placed in a 4*5 room?

Bookshelf try LinnMajik 109, heard them today and they were pretty impressive.

Floorstanders for small room, try Neat Motive 2 and B&W CM8, might be slightly over budget but not by much.
Hi Rick,

Thanks for your advice.

I was looking at some other topics and it seems dynaudio is recommended by many people who like rock music.

I also noticed some people talking about the ADM 9.1, is this a good set for my room/music pref?

In a 4*5 mtr room can you recommend any floorstanders? Cause my old MA rs8 was too boomy in my room but maybe their other floorstanders who can be placed in a 4*5 room?


the adms are very good, but personally i don't think rock is their greatest strength. it's great when it's well produced, but i think something bassier is better for rock music.

an audiolab 8200cdq and dynaudio focus 110a might make a tasty system. cd player, dac and pre-amp in the audiolab hooked upto dyn active speakers. i used to own the passive 110s, and they can go very low in the bass - esp. given their size - but need a powerful amp to control them, the actives should have that covered.
i've never heard this system, but as you mentioned the adms i thought this might give a better tonal balance for rock, while still being active.
Craig M.:JohnnyLion:
I also noticed some people talking about the ADM 9.1, is this a good set for my room/music pref?

the adms are very good, but personally i don't think rock is their greatest strength. it's great when it's well produced, but i think something bassier is better for rock music.

an audiolab 8200cdq and dynaudio focus 110a might make a tasty system. cd player, dac and pre-amp in the audiolab hooked upto dyn active speakers. i used to own the passive 110s, and they can go very low in the bass - esp. given their size - but need a powerful amp to control them, the actives should have that covered.
i've never heard this system, but as you mentioned the adms i thought this might give a better tonal balance for rock, while still being active.

well, Iam not looking for actives but some people say they outperform the B&W 805s, so could give it a try.

dynaudio focus110 uses a very small driver, would the x16 be a better choice?
JohnnyLion:Craig M.:JohnnyLion:

I also noticed some people talking about the ADM 9.1, is this a good set for my room/music pref?

the adms are very good, but personally i don't think rock is their greatest strength. it's great when it's well produced, but i think something bassier is better for rock music.

an audiolab 8200cdq and dynaudio focus 110a might make a tasty system. cd player, dac and pre-amp in the audiolab hooked upto dyn active speakers. i used to own the passive 110s, and they can go very low in the bass - esp. given their size - but need a powerful amp to control them, the actives should have that covered.
i've never heard this system, but as you mentioned the adms i thought this might give a better tonal balance for rock, while still being active.

well, Iam not looking for actives but some people say they outperform the B&W 805s, so could give it a try.

dynaudio focus110 uses a very small driver, would the x16 be a better choice?

For a rockier set-up, you'll be hard pushed to beat Exposure 2010S amp and CDP, especially on your budget.
The problem with buying £1,000 standmounts when you have a budget of £2,500 is that once you've bought stands goood enough to get the best out of them, you're up to about £1,200 odd, and with a bit of cable (depending on the cable), you'd be pushing past £1,300. This is half the budget, which works for some people, but you've then either got to compromise on the source component (rubbish in, rubbish out), or compromise on the product that ultimately limits how good a speaker can sound.

If you were looking for a £1,000 standmount, you could look at the ProAc Studio 115, ATC SCM11's, PMC DB1i's, Monitor Audio GS10's, KEF XQ20's, Neat Acoustics Motive 3's, B&W CM5's, and the Dynaudio Excite X16's. All excellent speakers with their own strengths.

Personally, I'd consider the KEF Q700 floorstanders, which act a little more like standmounts as they're a sealed cabinet - bass isn't overblown, and doesn't take over the proceedings, leaving midrange and treble detail intact. These are £1,000, but you won't need stands, and with a nice easy load of 8ohms and 89dB sensitivity, they're very easy to drive. They're extremely open and detailed, with an unusually three dimensional soundstage.

As these are easier to drive than basically the whole list mentioned above, you won't need £1k+ amplification, which some of the above would, to get the best from them. We've had excellent results with literally everything we've tried them with, but in particular, the Audiolab 8200A and 8200CD, and the Naim Nait 5i with the CD5i both stand out as excellent partners to the KEF's. These are my two favourite combos

If you're really struck on standmounts, the Audiolab combo works out to £1,400 or less, which allows about £1,100 for speakers and stands. If you put in another £100/200, you could look at any of my original recommendations with hig quality stands. The Audiolab's got a fair amount of power and grip, and will drive any of those mentioned very well - as they're all different, it'd be your choice as to what sort of sound you liked. So go demo as much as you can
JohnnyLion:exposure 2010s + what speakers?

Take your pick
. The Exposure works well with MAs, PMC, ProAc, Mordaunt Short (although the last two I haven't heard with Exposure, they do share some common sonic traits).

But if you look at ProAc Studio 110 (i think), they work out about £700-£800 + £150 for stands. The Exposures come to about £1,200. That'll leave you a nice amount for cables.
FrankHarveyHiFi:The problem with buying £1,000 standmounts when you have a budget of £2,500 is that once you've bought stands goood enough to get the best out of them, you're up to about £1,200 odd, and with a bit of cable (depending on the cable), you'd be pushing past £1,300. This is half the budget, which works for some people, but you've then either got to compromise on the source component (rubbish in, rubbish out), or compromise on the product that ultimately limits how good a speaker can sound. If you were looking for a £1,000 standmount, you could look at the ProAc Studio 115, ATC SCM11's, PMC DB1i's, Monitor Audio GS10's, KEF XQ20's, Neat Acoustics Motive 3's, B&W CM5's, and the Dynaudio Excite X16's. All excellent speakers with their own strengths. Personally, I'd consider the KEF Q700 floorstanders, which act a little more like standmounts as they're a sealed cabinet - bass isn't overblown, and doesn't take over the proceedings, leaving midrange and treble detail intact. These are £1,000, but you won't need stands, and with a nice easy load of 8ohms and 89dB sensitivity, they're very easy to drive. They're extremely open and detailed, with an unusually three dimensional soundstage. As these are easier to drive than basically the whole list mentioned above, you won't need £1k+ amplification, which some of the above would, to get the best from them. We've had excellent results with literally everything we've tried them with, but in particular, the Audiolab 8200A and 8200CD, and the Naim Nait 5i with the CD5i both stand out as excellent partners to the KEF's. These are my two favourite combos <£2,000. If you're really struck on standmounts, the Audiolab combo works out to £1,400 or less, which allows about £1,100 for speakers and stands. If you put in another £100/200, you could look at any of my original recommendations with hig quality stands. The Audiolab's got a fair amount of power and grip, and will drive any of those mentioned very well - as they're all different, it'd be your choice as to what sort of sound you liked. So go demo as much as you can

David, some of this post is misleading. I'm astounded...
I would allocate a greater proportion of your budget to the amplifer, thereafter, split the balance between the speakers and the source. For digital. Were this a vinyl setup, the greater spend to go there. At £2500, I'd pitch £1000-1200 on the amp and see what was going for the balance, looking also at dealer secondhand and ex-dem.
FrankHarveyHiFi:I knew somebody would try and pick holes in it. Please do clarify....

Honestly not picking holes, David. If I started this post it would give me a headache.

Firstly, you said that if you spend £1,300 on speakers and stands + wires then a compromise on amp or source (rubbish in, rubbish out). If he keeps all components £600-£800 mark there shouldn't be a compromise.

Secondly, if you're a shrewd buyer you can pick-up bargains without much compromise to quality or warranty. I'm not talking about Mickey Mouse outlets either. People like yourself, Audio-T or any good local retailer.

Thirdly, you mentioned if you buy the new Kef floorstander, less demanding speaker. How many times on this forum have mentioned about amp control over speakers?

I could give other examples, it's too late and I'm cream crackered.

BTW, aren't the GS10s discounted now?
plastic penguin:Firstly, you said that if you spend £1,300 on speakers and stands + wires then a compromise on amp or source (rubbish in, rubbish out). If he keeps all components £600-£800 mark there shouldn't be a compromise.
But the OP is asking for speaker recommendations up to £1k. All I'm saying is that most of the speakers available at the top end of his budget are either harder to drive, or need more control than the average amplifiers within that overall budget can muster. I'm saying don't spend £1k, but if you have to, the 8200A would be one of the wiser buys.

Secondly, if you're a shrewd buyer you can pick-up bargains without much compromise to quality or warranty. I'm not talking about Mickey Mouse outlets either. People like yourself, Audio-T or any good local retailer.
If I start mentioning specific deals we're doing on anything I mention, I'd be moderated in no time. I'm sticking to retail prices (or typical selling prices in some instances) - any other prices or deals can be discussed with whatever retailer/retailers the OP chooses to visit. Plus, I can't speak for other dealer's deals, although we monitor our prices in relation to other retailers.

Thirdly, you mentioned if you buy the new Kef floorstander, less demanding speaker. How many times on this forum have mentioned about amp control over speakers?
I've always mentioned different amplifier's abilities to control various speakers - and when I talk out control, I mean an amplifier's general ability to control a loudspeaker, rather than talking about damping factor, which is usually a figure quoted at a specific frequency, and tells you nothing about an amplifier's overall grip on any given speaker as this figure varies at different frequencies.
As to the Q700's, they seem to be the easiest load of any speaker we have on demo at the £1k mark. They don't need 100-200 watts per channel to drive, and they don't need oodles of current to sound dynamic (but it all helps
), and they're certainly easier to drive and control than the speakers mentioned.

BTW, aren't the GS10s discounted now?
Again, if I mention specific deals, I'd be moderated.

Hope this helps to clarify, and answers your questions sufficiently
What David says seems fair enough to me. Only one comment, and that is the Nait5i I use has no trouble driving my speakers which are a difficult load. Rated power output isn't sometimes the best measure of an amps ability to drive speakers. I've heard my Minimas with a valve amp running at 18W (I think) on paper, and the amp wasn't struggling to control them.
why not consider a harmon kardon hk990 with matching cdp (no er...rubbish in with that
), both can be had for about a grand. 150watts off power that will drive any speakers (just like the naim nait 5 , apparently
). all the inputs you could need. spend £20 on some of Musicrafts excellent speaker cable, and you've got £1500 left for the speakers of your choice, however hard or not they are to drive..
For me right now it is very important to filter some speakers.

What speaker won't fit in a 4*5 m room and what speakers would be too smal to fill the room?

I know Monitor audio rs8 is too big, but I had some dali lektor 1 from my dad and they were way too small.

So I need a speaker not as big in the bottom end as the rs8, but not as small as the lektor 1's.

that's why I thought I should look at 6,5 inch drived standmounts.

But maybe I am thinking the wrong way?


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