speakers to team up with Roksan Kandy K2 amp and cd player?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I was looking at B&W 683's or 684's or [neither have been auditioned yet] - after reading reviews on the net I am a little concerned they may be too large for my room. The room is 4m x 4.3m and due to furniture etc they would be positioned at the edges of the bay window about 1.75m apart. Ideally want floorstanders for the practicality of having two small children who have already tipped my old missions of their stands on more than one occasion. It might be that floorstanders are just not right for the room though.

Does anyone have experience of these in this size room or with them that close together or with their backs partially to a window?


Any other shouts as to what to audition...

All help greatly appreciated
A friend of mine has just bought some Totem arros if you can find somewhere to hear them. If you would consider stand mount speakers, the Wilson bensech Square Ones bolt to dedicated stands but they are of course a lot more money.

I've heard the 683's and enjoyed them but I prefered the square ones mid range and top end. If you like B&W sound, the CM7s might suit a smaller room as they are a little smaller.
I recently auditioned the new MA RX6 with your electronics. The speakers were fairly close together and they worked well enough, and a bit smaller, I think, than the B&Ws. One to add to your shortlist.
I have a similar set-up albeit with a Cyrus CD8se & room size and use RS6's which are very stable as they a have a base plinth but are still quite small.

The set-up sounds fabulous as a bonus too!
smaller speakers, mounted on wall brackets? .... could be an option, and can perhaps be spaced further apart
Spendor and PMC both do small floorstanders, my room is a similar size to yours and I have the PMC GB1i's, which work well.
I do have the PMC GB1i's as well, similar size room, they are excellent. Currently fed by Arcam system, but I am thinking of changing the amp. Bert how are the PMC's with the K2? Did you listen to different amps before deciding on the K2, could you share some of your experience?
I use Spendor A5s with K2s - great synergy. They are compact and perfect for a room not too big.
Musicbox:I do have the PMC GB1i's as well, similar size room, they are excellent. Currently fed by Arcam system, but I am thinking of changing the amp. Bert how are the PMC's with the K2? Did you listen to different amps before deciding on the K2, could you share some of your experience?

Hi Musicbox,

I bought the K2 and then found speakers to match, tried Neat motives, b&w 684 and the new Rega RS3's. I never had a chance to home demo the spendors, so i went for the PMC's and they were the right size and sounded great.

As far as amps go, I had a A32 and various Nads but the K2 is easily the best sounding to my ears. Sweet treble and plenty of punch.