Hi. I hope you don't mind me chiming in here but if I'm hi-jacking this thread just tell me and I'll start another.
I have the Hegel 160 on order and due to arrive this week. I'm looking for speakers for it but dnt have the budget for ones already discussed here. If anyone can suggest speakers in the £2,000 - ish range I'd be happy to hear
My room is smallish and I would need to place speakers around 10-12" from the wall.
I did hear the ProAcs lacked bass but I'm not sure how reliable this comment is. Are they fussy for placement?
Other contenders for audition include PMC GB1i, Neat Momentum SX1, and maybe Focal Aria 926.
Anyway, if you can help please do, or if I am hi-jacking the thread tell me and I will start another
I have the Hegel 160 on order and due to arrive this week. I'm looking for speakers for it but dnt have the budget for ones already discussed here. If anyone can suggest speakers in the £2,000 - ish range I'd be happy to hear
My room is smallish and I would need to place speakers around 10-12" from the wall.
I did hear the ProAcs lacked bass but I'm not sure how reliable this comment is. Are they fussy for placement?
Other contenders for audition include PMC GB1i, Neat Momentum SX1, and maybe Focal Aria 926.
Anyway, if you can help please do, or if I am hi-jacking the thread tell me and I will start another