I have just purchased a Cyrus 6a and Cyrus CDi combo, having had a demo setup at a local Hi-Fi store. They initially had this paired with the LS50 speakers but this was not to my tastes, too sharp, clinical and lacked warmth and bass. They then wired up a pair of B&W CM6 S2 which were very good indeed and were a lot closer to the sound I prefer. I didn't buy these as I wanted to test my existing TDL Electronics RTL G30 speakers with the Cyrus system. Very happy I didn't lay out £1500 for the B&W CM6 S2's as I considered the G30's easily as good, if not bettter, in my home environment. However, these speakers are getting old and I fear that at some time in the future I will need to replace them. Now for the question, what would be a good replacement? The retailer is prepared to give me a home listen to any speakers over a weekend, if requested. Your thoughts much appreciated.