I have an ageing system - the CD player was replaced about 18 months ago to a Quad 99 CDP-2 after my Alpha 5 plus died. That leaves me with Mission 752 speakers bi-amped with Delta 290P and Alpha 9 amps. A dealer recommended the biggest improvement could be made by changing speakers and I plan to audition some ProAc speakers and the Spendor A5 and A6. If the Spendors sound as good as the reviews they look very tempting - but my concern is that they are not bi-wirable so presumably not bi-ampable.
Will the benefit I get from better speakers be reduced by having to rely solely on the Delta 290P for amplification?
Would welcome any thoughts
What's the problem with the 752? And are you basing this planned change on the (misguided) view that "changing the speakers makes the biggest difference to your hifi" blah, blah...?
Trust me, it doesn't.
Unless you have an issue with the 752s - I have them, they are superb boxes still and Hi Fi World rates them in their Classics listing every other month and that puts them in some pretty esteemed company - then I would strongly counsel ditching this guy's idea until you've considered other options as well.
The 752s enjoy a very benign load, so if you've ever thought about the valve amp option, this is a good speaker to stick with for now. How is the balance between the Alpha 9 and Delta 290? Both are/were good amps in their day, but would you look at getting hold of a better (perhaps used) pre/power combination? The 752 is more than capable.
I'm not baning on about the Mission speaker simply because I think it's good (plenty of others did too, including this magazine) and both in the original as well as the Freedom version, but simply because your salesman has given duff advice IMO. Or at least, imbalanced. I'd talk to a few other dealers and get some opinions and listen to some other options.
At least then, if you do go down the new speakers route, you're doing it for the right reasons that you've researched and not that one dealer thinks is the best way to go.