the record spot:
Assuming, of course, that it was ridiculous to start off with. And as the rest of the Leema range sits comfortably in the £2k bracket and then some, suddenly, it's not so ridiculous after all. If you consider that they might've dropped the speakers idea, or just want to clear their stock, then fair do. Maybe they just found that with all the talk around Monitor Audio, Mordaunt-Short, ATC, ProAc, PMC and the other very usual suspects in the £600 - £2k bracket, they were getting into a crowded marketplace. And yes, looking at them again, for some reason I thought they were a beefier build and less slim. My error and on reflection, I may have been thinking and getting mixed up with, some Epos and Quad floorstanders that enjoyed a decent reduction as well in the last 12 months or so (in Superfi I think). Apologies!
Of course, and I didn't state that in this case the starting price was ridiculous, I have no idea since I have never heard them! I am only slightly suspicious because they have been discounted so much - in comparison none of the Spendors se range were discounted as much after EOP - new the S6es were around £1500 IIRC, the cheapest I have seen recently new discounted is around £1100 (think this might have been sevenoaks too) in any case the discount didn't seem to be as high.....agree though that it's unlikely they were "poor" value at the original price, and are probably a steal at the discounted level.l