Matthew, I do sympathize with you that you can't achieve the sound you are after.
Is it time to
[*]Concentrate on finding a system that excels at the one particular type of music that you love.?......and just does alright with the rest.
[*]Sell off as much of your old gear as possible and start saving for something currently out of reach?
[*]Maybe try a qaulity valve based sytem with some very sensitive speakers?
Anyway sorry for intruding on something which is none of my buisness.I personaly like a system that does well across lots of different styles of music. I personally think it is very hard to find kit that excells at everything.
I know an american chap who loves piano music and has a system based around valves and Fostex full range speakers like these.
This system is only really used for piano related music.
He has another budget NAD system for all other styles.
Excentric/ expensive...........but it works for him.
That reminds me about some geezer that had his system(s) featured in a mag some years ago. His small lounge was full of speakers and hifi, all on cut-off squash balls with home made interconnects. Weird.
Sorry, I don't understand this 'you can't find a system you like'. I think some folks completely forget about the music and get totally hung up about the boxes.
That is weird and yes you are right of course it's all about the tunes. This guy loves music too, it's just that his full range fostex speakers make the piano sound very realistic. He doesn't find it chore to select which player it goes in. yes it's excentric! but it works for him and I don't think he's hung up on the boxes. .
I just hope Matthew finds a system that suits him and lets just enjoy the music...
cheers dude