QuestForThe13thNote said:Leif said:davedotco said:QuestForThe13thNote said:davedotco said:If you simply refuse to accept that our senses are easily fooled then this discussion is going nowhere.
Human perception, in all fields, is heavily influenced by psycological factors and this is well researced.
The idea that an hi-fi enthusiast can control these factors in the way that you claim you can is, frankly, ludicrous. That you continue to insist that you can, simply shows your lack of understanding of the subject.
Hi-fi, in the widest sense is a pretty trivial endevour, so hi-fi orientated research is pretty thin on the ground but if you research subjects like placebo effect, comfirmation bias, suggestion bias and the rest you might get an idea just how powerful these effects are.
no I'd refuse to accept that anyone can tell me my senses are fooled without good argument. But then tell you it's going nowhere as a way of shutting it down.
Our perceptions don't get influenced where there are no contradictions, no bias. What factors are you referring too?
and then say a vaguery like failing to understand, trying to shut it down further.
i can control and be aware of bias if I am alive to it, sure. Anyone can. It just requires open mindedness and awareness. These human reactions as I say are not automatic and set in stone. Ie that you must react to bias.
Confirmation bias and acceptance bias can no less be affected by realisation, as with a placebo. I suspect if you trialled telling people a hearing aid was a better model, but it was the same, they would succumb to placebo. An expert in a medical type setting would convince them. But tell them it could be worse or better , then they would make their minds up, but we come at it from this perspective when buying hi fi, to be cautious and dubious don't we? Especially with hard earned at stake. Well I do, you may not if you do believe what people tell you.
This shows I think for myself, but the diatribe of stuff people come out with, with no thought. Beggars belief. Maybe you could explain your thinking? An interesting debate
OK. Refering to the highlighted sections.
Firstly you can not control bias conciously, you may think you can but you can't, no-one can. This is the primary sticking point in the discussion.
The McGurk effect I linked to earier is a simple, clear example of how easily the brain is fooled, even though you know you are listening to baa, you hear faa. Even when you know. You simply can not control what you hear in a really simple test, why on earth do you think you control yout senses listening to hi-fi?
Secondly your hearing aid anology is an example of sugestion bias, not placebo which is entirely different. It also shows a complete lack of understanding as to how such testing is carried out.
Suggestion bias is the most common obvious effect in sighted, subjective testing. If you are asked to try something in your system the implication is that it will make a difference, so of course you hear a difference.
It really is a simple as that.
Unfortunately you are dealing with an irrational person who is anti-science. He has not even bothered to look at the link I posted earlier. It gives examples of people who changed their minds after undergoing blind testing and seeing how wrong they were.
"This shows I think for myself, "
You have proven beyond doubt that you do not think.
"the diatribe of stuff people come out with, with no thought. Beggars belief. "
I could not agree more. But you carry on regardless. Incidentally, how come all those studies I linked to - not diatribes - come to the consistent conclusions, contrary to the views you express. How come? Are they all liars? Or gullible? And you are the only intelligent person with good hearing? My view is that you are deluded, due to being stubborn and over confident. I suspect you have an emotional personality, and cannot handle rational thought.
the thing is mate you aren't posting any studies. Which ones. You just seem a bit angry and can't debate with people.
i think Leif is probably lacking a bit of intelligence
I posted a link referencing a whole list of studies which you have consistently refused to acknowledge.
As for intelligence, I gained a first in physics, and a PhD in theoretical physics, both from world class universities. I have also published many research papers in top scientific journals. And you?