hi drummerman thans for the link very interesting
i guess i must comment so here goes, in my humble opinion to some degree cable hype has gone a bit crazy, and prices to match, for the record i use russ andrews interconnects and speaker cables i do believe cables can inprove a system. but i also believe as long as you use a good quality cable you dont have to spend stupid money. i would never buy speaker cable costing for example no names but £1300 to give you an example i tryed qed speaker cable didnt like it was brigh and harsh, i guess a quality cable also will look nice and last you years and can be used in your next system for example i have a tacima block with r.a powermax power cables £50 and lofetime garuantee i believe thats good value but i will never buy a r.a signature chord costing £250
whats your opinion mate