Romulus said:
Coca Cola is far more superior taste to Pepsi Cola and one can discern the difference in taste quite easilly even when being highly tipsy!
Pepsi tastes better. *biggrin*
But anyway, the Pepsi vs Coke example is an excellent parallel to HiFi. Do you really care why Coke tastes better to you? Does it matter whether that might be the result of excellent marketing on Coke's part, rather than your taste buds?
Looking at the responses in this thread and similar topics I've created or participated in over the years, it's clear to me that many (quite possibly most) audiophiles don't care about why they like what they like. Part of that is the fact that HiFi is a seperate (though related) hobby from listening to music. There is a simple joy in auditioning different combos at dealers and at your home. Part of the reason active speakers are more popular among pros than audiophiles is because of very limited ability to uprade, tweak and mix and match. Even CD players lack the appeal of tweaking that you get with a turntable.
Do people really care about whether a Ferrari is that much better than a Corvette? Or do they just buy the Ferrari because they have the money to do so and they think it's cool. HiFi is like any luxury good/service. Some of the benefits are real, some are inflated by marketing and hype and others are just straight up imagined.