Speaker Cable Recommendation


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Following on from a previous thread yesterday..........

Having tried the QED Silver Profile 12 speaker cable with my set-up, I couldnt believe how much this cable opened up my music, compared to my current unbranded and believe quite cheap speaker cable. Now the problem I have is that the Profile 12 whilst being flat is unfortunately a very wide speaker cable and I can't accomodate this in my current set-up (certainly not in a way that would keep the other half happy as well). Also the cable is biwire although terminated at both ends in too just two bannana plugs.

I believe that the QED cable is an oldish one that is no longer in production but would like to try and purchase a speaker cable with similar characteristics and sound to the Profile 12 but also in standard format rather than biwirable.

Would the QED Silver Aniversary XT or the Chord Carnival Silver Screen be similar speaker cables or are there better / alternative cables to consider as well?
The Chord is of a thickness that runs the main power supply to your house, so aesthetically probably not the best choice.
That wouldn't be so much of a problem as I can clip it to skirting boards etc......but speakers are on shelves and need to run it up to them......so a 2" wide (albeit flat) cable like the Profile 12 is a bit obvious.
It is seriously thick, though. It's virtually unbendable and you would need some serious clips to hold it.

Not getting in to a cable debate but had to change mine for that reason and got a length from Maplins: no difference to my ears.
Any one else at all??

Sounds like the Chord is out due to its diameter size.

QED or alernatives?
I never actually thought of that as a possibility (obviously).........Sounds like a solution and means I dont have to spend vast amounts of money.