Just to provide an alternative view, I've used Audioquest Type IV for many years, which was excellent. I read a few comments on former McIntosh engineer Roger Russell's site around the importance not so much of the cost of a cable, more the capacitance and resistance of the wire itself. His site at
http://www.roger-russell.com/wire/wire.htm#resistancehigh will give some background here.
A year or so ago, I bought, having read some of his comments and others elsewhere, 10 metres of single-wired 322 strand copper cable from Digitalis Direct on Ebay. £5.49 delivered. Removed the Audioquest, in went the cheapo stuff as did some rapidly knocked up cable jumpers and...no difference. Which is to say it sounded excellent.
My take on all of this is that you will get substantially more mileage out of moving your speakers around or finding good masterings of digital music than you will by wire swapping (and more fun, particularly if you go to somewhere like the Steve Hoffman forum which is a treasure trove of useful info) (and no, not all CDs are the same even if it's the same album we're talking about!).
IMO much of the harsh brightness you get in many systems now is less to do with the wiring between the components and far more to do with the unwanted effects of exaggerated production and mastering techniques and the current trend in electronics towards a brighter sound. Get that balance right and the wiring becomes what it is - incidental and not the focus.