Speaker cable mini review/thought


New member
Jan 7, 2008
I bought 2x3m pair of NVA LS3 cable from the ebay shop. £90+7 delivery. 14 day money back...

Well. Had a day to myself (a very rare thing these days)

And I was swapping backwards and forwards between the LS3 and the cheapy Van Damme...

I have come to a number of conclusions...(based on this and 3 previous cable tests including QED SA XT, and Dali Silver Wave)

1. There is very small difference between cables. Simply shifting position in the listening sofa(in my case), or moving furniture around makes (much) more of a difference than any I have heard from cables...

2. However. The LS3 is definitely more detailed than the Van Damme...I am still trying to work out if it is to the detriment of anything else...(as the QED was)

3. Speaker cable is not worth worrying about, providing you aren't running thin, cheap rubbish.

4. I will be keeping the NVA LS3...(It outperforms the QED, and the Dali, even if by a small percentage, and potentially placebo).

5. Bloody cables!


New member
Sep 1, 2007
fr0g:I bought 2x3m pair of NVA LS3 cable from the ebay shop. £90+7 delivery. 14 day money back...

Well. Had a day to myself (a very rare thing these days)

And I was swapping backwards and forwards between the LS3 and the cheapy Van Damme...

I have come to a number of conclusions...(based on this and 3 previous cable tests including QED SA XT, and Dali Silver Wave)

1. There is very small difference between cables. Simply shifting position in the listening sofa(in my case), or moving furniture around makes (much) more of a difference than any I have heard from cables...

2. However. The LS3 is definitely more detailed than the Van Damme...I am still trying to work out if it is to the detriment of anything else...(as the QED was)

3. Speaker cable is not worth worrying about, providing you aren't running thin, cheap rubbish.

4. I will be keeping the NVA LS3...(It outperforms the QED, and the Dali, even if by a small percentage, and potentially placebo).

5. Bloody cables!

Interesting.... I really wish you could hear my Isolda cables

I do agree with point 5 however, I think I may be approaching it from the other side!


New member
Jul 28, 2007
There is some different between cables like you said mate, but without trying more than one or two sets (I have try in the 100's
) you are not gonna be 100% sure how much cables can (or can not) improve sound quality.

I am totally disagree with you about speakers cables, I have come across some that sound obviously different than other! How did I know if it wasn't a Placebo effect? because the bass boom was gone and that is down to only one components changed...speakers cables.

Whenever you in UK just drop me a line mate, we could have fun trying all the cables in my draws and I will throw in a round of golf


New member
Jan 7, 2008
There is some different between cables like you said mate, but without trying more than one or two sets (I have try in the 100's
) you are not gonna be 100% sure how much cables can (or can not) improve sound quality.

I am totally disagree with you about speakers cables, I have come across some that sound obviously different than other! How did I know if it wasn't a Placebo effect? because the bass boom was gone and that is down to only one components changed...speakers cables.

Whenever you in UK just drop me a line mate, we could have fun trying all the cables in my draws and I will throw in a round of golf

Might just do that!

(I have tested 6 quite different cables recently). The only thing I havent done is go above £15 a metre.)

The differences are small. (Just moving forward in my seat will give me a far bigger change in sound, as will changing the angle or position of my speakers a touch.)

I seriously think it is better to concentrate on getting components right, and sticking with a set of well made cables.

When you are satisfied with electronics (obviously this is not aimed at you ;)), then maybe a small amount of tweaking can be done with cables, but take it too far, and I think you end up leaving the music behind in pursuit of something slightly anal, and unobtainable.


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Cables never interest me!...really.

You wouldn't see me starting cable topics on any forums. The end of the day EVERYTHING make different to sound of HiFi system, the most important factor is "your mood" at the time of listening.

I wouldn't keep the cables if I were you, get your cash back mate...the different is too small to worry about just like you said.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Cables never interest me!...really.

You wouldn't see me starting cable topics on any forums. The end of the day EVERYTHING make different to sound of HiFi system, the most important factor is "your mood" at the time of listening.

I wouldn't keep the cables if I were you, get your cash back mate...the different is too small to worry about just like you said.

The mood thing is a very valid point.
Gonna keep the cables. In the end I feel they are better. And better than 5 other sets I have tried. I will keep them, and forget about them now.

The system is pretty much singing as I like it now. Until a huge amount more money comes into my possesion I shall not be changing anything else, maybe for a few years...

(Although if anyone near here start stocking AVI, I would jump at the chance to hear those damn ADM9s!)

In fact I shall be doing a great deal of 'watching' soon...just receievd the Babylon 5 box set this morning...42 DVDs worth!


Speaker cable arguments in my house arose when my husband met an audiophile who loves to be seen with his shirt sleeves rolled up and for you to see his Rolex watch. Hes a looks man . He Told my husband his clear unbranded cable was rubbish. He gave my husband exactly the same cable back with Monster cable written on it. our new found audiophile friend was not impressed when we said its the name for you isn't it he admitted yes its the credibility. I like to say to other audio fans i use this cable that was rated five stars in the hi fi magazine end of story prestige

Would half you guys admit that's the trouble your having

a manufacturer of amps says and i quote

Expensive or exotic speaker cables will make little or no difference to the sound produced by the speakers.

source http://www.templeaudio.net/downloads/bantam_manual.pdf

Do you think there's a few other factors to always overlooked by audiophiles that's your record collection its self

as the article above says your room furnishing your curtains . Try taking stuff out your room listening to the change in sound.

for those fortunate enough whos kids have left home. turn that room into a music room do not have the TV in it just your hi fi

wash your ears out as well

Don't read whats hi fi every time you go in asda :}} while your wife dose the shopping guys ,, your never ever be satisfied with what you have.. But you already secretly no that don't you :))


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
photo:...do not have the TV in it just your hi fi

Classic Ivor Tiefenbrun rubbish from the 1980s

So what about those 'new-fangled' AV systems then? Should I peer around a door to watch the TV in another room whilst the sound is playing in this one?

photo:wash your ears out as well
Classic 'my mother' from the 1960s.

photo:...while your wife dose the shopping guys

Classic 'bloke in pub' from the 1950s (and half drunk if the spelling is a clue).


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
Don't expect a reply soon as frOg was banned a long time ago. This is a very old post.

Photo has commented on this post and THIS post and seems to quite like Temple Audio...


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
Just to add my 2 pence worth...

I use a mixture of Cambridge Audio Symphony 400 cable at the front (£2.50 per meter) and Cambridge Audio Symphony 200 cable for the rears (£1.50 per meter) and cannot tell any difference between them at all.


Think I'll remove all my furniture and have my wife duck tape me to a deck chair in case I move my head slightly. Wouldn't want to ruin the sound.

And dancing is definitely out, we wouldn't want to do that when listening music...tut tut.