Andrew Everard:
dim_span:Andrew, good post, however, having been involved in the Engineering and sales field for several years, (multi million pound tenders) ... there has always (and will always be) some form of 'soft' methods to sway people's way of thinking
We're not in the engineering or sales fields, so your argument has no relevance. And if you think we would be influenced by such tactics, you really haven't been paying attention...
And please don't come back with the 'it's not overt, but there are subtle ways of influencing' argument - we know all about those tactics, and they don't wash.
ok Andrew ... if you say so ... not really in an argumentitive mood, however, now that you bring it up ... (I have always been known to speak my mind ...)
be it engineering or real estate or earth moving equipment, markerting remains marketing, and people remain people
so 2 issues ... no 1 the Gotham review and no 2 the latest silver high breed review ...
I cannot speak for Gotham, as I have never heard or owned a pair, however, I own silver high breed ... however, reading the gotham thread, I was amazed
from what I have read, your magazine has recently printed an article as regards the Silver high breed interconnects ... this is what I have read (I have not read it in your magazine (seen it on the net) so correct me if I am wrong, or if this is untrue?) ...
"This new name, to us, is a lively listen with a wide sound. It's decent for the price, and the supple midrange and bass work well. But it suffers from a vicious top end, while production subtleties are stampeded over by a lack of cohesion. To pep up a dull system, this might be ideal; those with treble heavy kit should steer well clear."
so, after reading numerous posts as regards the silver high breed interconnects and all the positive responses from numerous owners who tested them over a lengthy period, WHF states that they have a 'vicious' top end? ... I own them on 2 of my systems and will disagree entirely...
I don't have 'bat ears' but do hear differences in cables ... I feel that this review was perhaps not justified and perhaps because the seller of these (and Gotham) are small entrepeneurs who dont advertise in your magazine, they were 'downplayed' ... Heck, they cost less than £20 and the gothams were a tenner!
I do not have any affiliation with Silver High breed, Gotham or any other supplier, and I do not sell hifi equipmment (privately or on ebay) ... I will be getting higher cost interconnects and speaker cables, so it does not really bother me and that was the intention from the onset.
so, I challenge WHF to do another blind test (with an independant moderator) and with 5 different interconnects .... lets see if the same results are apparent ... Had the silver high breeds been labelled as chord or Nordost or Kimber, I think the review may have read differently?
dim_span:Andrew, good post, however, having been involved in the Engineering and sales field for several years, (multi million pound tenders) ... there has always (and will always be) some form of 'soft' methods to sway people's way of thinking
We're not in the engineering or sales fields, so your argument has no relevance. And if you think we would be influenced by such tactics, you really haven't been paying attention...
And please don't come back with the 'it's not overt, but there are subtle ways of influencing' argument - we know all about those tactics, and they don't wash.
ok Andrew ... if you say so ... not really in an argumentitive mood, however, now that you bring it up ... (I have always been known to speak my mind ...)
be it engineering or real estate or earth moving equipment, markerting remains marketing, and people remain people
so 2 issues ... no 1 the Gotham review and no 2 the latest silver high breed review ...
I cannot speak for Gotham, as I have never heard or owned a pair, however, I own silver high breed ... however, reading the gotham thread, I was amazed
from what I have read, your magazine has recently printed an article as regards the Silver high breed interconnects ... this is what I have read (I have not read it in your magazine (seen it on the net) so correct me if I am wrong, or if this is untrue?) ...
"This new name, to us, is a lively listen with a wide sound. It's decent for the price, and the supple midrange and bass work well. But it suffers from a vicious top end, while production subtleties are stampeded over by a lack of cohesion. To pep up a dull system, this might be ideal; those with treble heavy kit should steer well clear."
so, after reading numerous posts as regards the silver high breed interconnects and all the positive responses from numerous owners who tested them over a lengthy period, WHF states that they have a 'vicious' top end? ... I own them on 2 of my systems and will disagree entirely...
I don't have 'bat ears' but do hear differences in cables ... I feel that this review was perhaps not justified and perhaps because the seller of these (and Gotham) are small entrepeneurs who dont advertise in your magazine, they were 'downplayed' ... Heck, they cost less than £20 and the gothams were a tenner!
I do not have any affiliation with Silver High breed, Gotham or any other supplier, and I do not sell hifi equipmment (privately or on ebay) ... I will be getting higher cost interconnects and speaker cables, so it does not really bother me and that was the intention from the onset.
so, I challenge WHF to do another blind test (with an independant moderator) and with 5 different interconnects .... lets see if the same results are apparent ... Had the silver high breeds been labelled as chord or Nordost or Kimber, I think the review may have read differently?