Sony BDP s550 firmware upgrade


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
How would I plug my blue ray player in to achieve this ? Does it have to be directly into the router(upstairs)near desktop or can I use my laptop (downstairs)near the player itself and a telephone socket. Also which cable is it : LAN or ADSL ?
Needs to be done over a direct Ethernet connection from the router. This can either be using a LAN cable or via a wireless Ethernet bridge connected to the player.

You can't do it directly off an ADSL socket, as the Sony doesn't have an ADSL modem built-in.
Hello Andrew,
So that means I would be best taking the router downstairs and plugging it in my telephone socket that is near the S550 then connecting via LAN and following the on screen instructions ?
anderc02:Cheers !

I was going to do this but when reading what the new firmware offered, I didn't think that is was that important. I will be interested to know if you notice any improvement..
My Blu ray sometimes stops of its own accord about half way through; I am hoping the firmware may help this problem. Obviously I am just out of warranty !!!


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