Sony BDP-S370 Sound Drop outs

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Did you update by disc or is it connected to the internet by cable/the sony dongle? The disc update method is trikier than the unit auto updating - maybe redo the whole process if by disc? Just an idea, not doubting your ability
Check of the verison number should indicate that.
I also have the Sony KDL-40EX503 connected to the S370 via QED performance HDMI, updated the firmare to both TV and player last night expecting it to be fixed, but watching IronMan bluray the sound drop outs are now worse than before.

This has not been fixed!
I downloaded the firmware upgrade on Wednesday and all was fine during the first BD playback. No drop-outs. However, there was a 0.5 second drop-out after approx. 70 minutes of Avatar (DVD). So, although there is much improvement with the new firmware, it is obviously not a complete fix. Andrew, I would appreciate if you could bring this to Sony's attention. I have the S370 connected to my KDL40Z4500 via HDMI. J.
Update from Sony: looking into it as a matter of urgency, need to do more testing to ensure a solution, will update more as soon as possible.

The company apologises for any inconvenience, and wants those having problems the be reassured it's working as hard and as fast as it can to get the problems solved.
Dupes, your suggestions are appreciated, but I've tried everything. The software is indeed the latest .623 version (I did it via network update, not disc). I've also used it with 3 different HDMI cables and no luck.

Andy, many thanks for your continued invaluable assistance in getting the problem noticed. I'm relieved
to hear I'm not the only one still suffering!
I find it quite unbelievable and hugely unprofessional that a company like Sony can market a product, such as the S370, which is obviously not fit for purpose, never mind the latest firmware upgrade. Personally, I feel that an apology is not good enough!! Since the problem has only been semi-sorted, I would expect a full refund (and a bit) and a player that works from day one!!!!!! Not happy! J.
rtmcg/Perspecta seems that you might be right, at least for Iron Man blu ray, or EX503 and BDP-S370 via hdmi! Its better, sync is better for sure, but still not zero drop outs.

So 1 hr 36 mins through Iron man BD and I have so far had one drop out at about 24 mins in, so far....correction just had a second at 1hr38

So since the update (only BDP not TV for a couple of weeks) DVD was fine, Dark knight BD was fine first 45 mins. But it seems the issue is not fixed!

Hi Andy,

appreciate your help chasing Sony on this, to report there are still issues across users - though I do have the same TV/set up as most others so far to report not fixed - maybe the fix does not work with the EX503 TV's?

I will report again via sony website.

all we can do is keep on at them. But some form of compensation is SO due, not a full refund though to be fair - At least they have tried and are listening. But not good enought to release a fix that does not work! Embarrasing and annoying. Everything else about the unit, bar its antiquated looks (can't they headhunt a Samsung designer as all their BDP's are clunky looking?), is 100% top notch the or up with the best (especially sound bar the drop out actually!) and good price.

So HOW can it not work with Sony TV's but work with others!
The Sony engineers are monitoring this thread, but they aren't writing the software themselves, but rather receiving updates from elsewhere in Sony.

They are, however, working on finding a solution to the failure of the latest update to resolve the situation.
Hi people i was glad to see that sony have a new update i have just updated my player have not used it yet hope it works. Sorry to hear some of you are still haveing problems. i let you no what my player does
Andrew Everard:

The Sony engineers are monitoring this thread, but they aren't writing the software themselves, but rather receiving updates from elsewhere in Sony.

They are, however, working on finding a solution to the failure of the latest update to resolve the situation.

Cheers Andy

I wonder if Sony actually connected a 370 unit to one of their tv's after updating and actually sat down to watch/listen to some BD's/DVD's to see if the fix worked?
I guess not, but maybe they are rightly keen to just get it out there asap. Lets hope for second time lucky. I only have so many blu rays and already now watched Iron man and Dark Knight twice in 2 weeks!
Again, I gather the software was prepared, presumably at a European or global level, and released. However, now a UK-based engineering team is doing precisely what you suggest, or so I am told.
Sterling stuff, thanks again Andy for the updates - everything is crossed for some definitive fix news soon!
I watched T2 skynet addition last night, picking up from where I left off previously. I watched 30 minutes or so and did not encounter any sound drop outs but I did have slow motion which at first I thought was a feature of the extra length movie but am now sure it was the player itself. This became apparent when the sync went on one of the scenes. Sound was consistent throughout but the first scene where talking could visually be seen I thought it must be an error with the fix/patch.

I've had a quick read of the first few posts and it does not seem that anyone else has this problem. I'll try another one soon and report back.

I've missed my opportunity to return it now so I'm hoping they can fix it. When I have enough money I think I'll move on to Panansonic TV and audio.

An unhappy sony fan
Another lurker here who has been following this thread.

I installed the update and while it has got better, there is still the occasional sound drop-out.

I've been watching the BBC Planet Earth series and prior to the update there would be one or two drop-outs per episode (about 50 mins long each). Since the update I've watched 3 episodes and only had 2 drop-outs (in two separate episodes, so one had no drop-outs).

My S370 is connected directly to my KDL-40EX603 (I also updated the s/w in that too).

Dupes:it takes quite a while to install after downloading, also a big file, 78+ meg,

Is that a typo? The d/l was only 37MB for me.
yep think mine was 78 - maybe had other updates as well to download? Anyway it took a while and took a while to install once updated.

Hoping we will get some news soon. I have written again to Sony. I encourage you all to write again to them to advise the problem is not fixed.
After having the same problems with my s370, I was searching for some answers and found this topic.

I have the s370 connected (all HDMI), via an Onkyo TX-SR308, to my Sony KDL-40EX500. I'm also experiencing these drop-outs, but I read that most people have it only when they connect it directly to a sony TV? Well, I'll try to hook up my player directly to the TV tonight, to see whether the problem persists. At first I thought that it might have something to do with the temperature of the player/receiver (my apartment got very hot these last couple of days!!), but probably not.

I did do an update last weekend for new firmware, but I have to check which version I have now exactly (I'm in the Netherlands). Funny thing is though, that yesterday I suddenly had a new problem (not seen before). Not only the sound dropped, but sometimes the image 'hangs', while the counter on the player continued... This was will a mkv file though, from a portable harddrive. Rewinding for a couple of seconds did the trick, and then it continues without problems for a period of time, until the next hang (maybe 10min??). I need to verify this with other files as well. I'll pop in a BD tonight to compare too.
The S370 seems very flakey with a lot of MKV files. Ive found converting them with MKV2VOB helps a lot
Hi Harrylamb, I have the same problem with the picture hang. I wait in hope that Sony will fix it and I'll continue to monitor this thread in anticipation.
Hi Andrew/Anyone - has there been any further update from Sony? For example a estimated date on a full fix? Last time they advised a rough date? I have not had any reply (other than automated confirmation email) to logging this again on the Sony support site to say its still not fixed.

Not yet: spoke yesterday to Sony's Eric Kingdon, who'd been down at the Basingstoke office having a look at the testing that morning, and he said that every efforts is being made by the guys down there in the testing of a potential fix, and that it would be launched as soon as they were happy all was well. But he wanted you to be reassured the company's UK team is very determined to get this one fixed as soon as possible, and is throwing all it can at the problem.
Hi folks. Another lurker here (I hate that tag). Anyway I am in Australia and purchased this unit and noticed all the sound dropouts. I applied the latest patch and at the dropouts still occur but less frequent than they used to. Also I have noticed the occasional slow motion scene which is not a part of the movie.

I really hope Sony fix this soon, I guess none of these are game breakers but just annoying. When you buy a brand new product especially from a big name brand you expect it to work 100% out of the box, at least that is my expectation. On the other hand can you imagine grandma buying one of these and having to burn a CD to update it? I often wonder what happens with computer illiterate people who purchase these things, I mean you should not need a degree in computer science before you purchase a BR player.

I should add I am glad I found this thread which made me aware of the website, good information thanks!
riggit:On the other hand can you imagine grandma buying one of these and having to burn a CD to update it? I often wonder what happens with computer illiterate people who purchase these things, I mean you should not need a degree in computer science before you purchase a BR player.

Good point, I never thought of that. I imagine Sony's answer would be to buy a Wi-Fi USB dongle at £70 and it'll do it automagically - although that isn't true of their TVs, you need to unzip the u/g to a USB stick (but you can't do that with the S370, even though it has a USB port
But then grandma etc is not likely to have a wireless network or maybe even internet, so what do you do then! I think you might be able to request the update disk be posted to you by Sony, but not sure and they don't advertise that.

There is a lot of pressure to release products quickly, but they are doing so without proper beta testing on the assumption they can fix issues later - it is a deliberate cost saving choice to in effect use consumers to find issues rather than pay for this testing and proper product development (i.e. thousands of free testers). Makes sence from a bean counting point of view, but as for customer views it sucks. They all do it.

But now at the end of my tether. I had a 'reply' from Sony on my reopened complaint on this still being unfixed - This time an annonomous email to say they had not heard back from me and so were closing the compliant!
Utterly rude and useless and not even brave enought to put a name to it. SHAME ON SONY.

Never again, regardless of how good the product is. The service and support and integrity are more important.

I just hope WHF and similar when they review products in future try various set ups from basic to full on so these issue are more lilely to be found and the product failings are highlighted in glorious sales killing print. Only with this will the likes of Sony and the others stop treating customers like doo doo and release products that work.

Yes, I am a bit annoyed at the 'reply' I just had from Sony.
Sorry to rant
Hi. I'm the guy who purchased this in India. I posted on this thread complaining about the dropouts, a few weeks ago. Well, I downloaded an update, yesterday - M03.R.623.

This update 'appears' to have cleared up the problem with dropouts that I was having on my Sony KLV-32S400A TV set while playing BDs, DVDs... In-depth testing is needed before I can completely confirm this one way or the other. So I will post an update this weekend when I have some time to play around with my Sony BD player.

Oh and one more thing, kudos to the What HIFI team for contacting Sony and getting them to at least try to do something about it. Keep up the good work!
After having the same problems with my s370, I was searching for some answers and found this topic.

I have the s370 connected (all HDMI), via an Onkyo TX-SR308, to my Sony KDL-40EX500. I'm also experiencing these drop-outs, but I read that most people have it only when they connect it directly to a sony TV? Well, I'll try to hook up my player directly to the TV tonight, to see whether the problem persists. At first I thought that it might have something to do with the temperature of the player/receiver (my apartment got very hot these last couple of days!!), but probably not.

I did do an update last weekend for new firmware, but I have to check which version I have now exactly (I'm in the Netherlands). Funny thing is though, that yesterday I suddenly had a new problem (not seen before). Not only the sound dropped, but sometimes the image 'hangs', while the counter on the player continued... This was will a mkv file though, from a portable harddrive. Rewinding for a couple of seconds did the trick, and then it continues without problems for a period of time, until the next hang (maybe 10min??). I need to verify this with other files as well. I'll pop in a BD tonight to compare too.

OK, watched a BD, and no problem at all (State Of Play). No drop-outs or freeze frames or something. So up to now, I've only experienced it with files I play from a hard-drive. I haven't done testing with DVD's though... Oh, and my firmware is also up to date


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