Sony BDP-S370 Sound Drop outs

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Andrew Everard - Legend, thanks for the update. So fixed next week they say, here's fingers crossed - leaving the network cable plugged in 24/7.

I have not had any reply From Sony at all - so it seems their statement that all there staff know has not got to all, certainly not whoever at their HO my complaint was escallated to.

I wonder if they have put this issue in the FAQ/support site as there must be thousands of customers who have not found this forum and had no joy from Sony of course, and I really feel for them ,knowing how annoying and frustrating it is.

Andrew, can you persuade Sony to list the issue/solution on their model support, maybe (seeing as WHF has helped them hugely by drawing their attention to this issue they 'did not know about', prevent thousands of future unit returns) to pay WHF for some article space where they can explain the issue and the fix, get it out in the public domain so others hear and can fix their units - for them it may be an issue, but a resolved one would be a case of 'there is not such thing as bad publicity'?

Mav - despite my lack of techno expertise, glad I was able to help sort the muffled sound issue on some discs.
Im not even slightly surprised, there are too many reviews overrating this product. In fact, there are too many Sony fan boys on here. Glad i went for the Panasonic DMP-BD85 instead.
Great News everyone - see below email I got from Sony today. Though the bit I have put in bold I assume is a typo, supposed to say now rather than not!

And amazed they cam back to me. Maybe others have had a similar email.

I am sorry to read you have been effected by an issue with audio drop out during playback.

have been advise a problem between these two products has not (sic 'now') been
identified and a modification to the player is currently in testing, as
long as everything tests ok, we expect this update to the players
firmware to go live by the 14th July, please keep an eye on the support
page for this model, this will be available as a network update of via
firmware CD.

I hope this information is of

Yours sincerely

Will Wilson
Customer Information Centre
SONY UNITED KINGDOM So A bit longer to wait, but then we will have one of the best BD players available, certainly at anywhere near the price, and though its a Sony (I am so not a label man) at least its not a panasonic!!!

Seriously, once the fix in in place, try the sony and stick the panasonic on ebay you will be glad you did, if only for the time saved waiting for discs to load!

Many thanks again to both Andy's for bringing this to Sony's attention. Would not have happened without you - and I still think Sony need to pay WHF for some column inches to spread the word.
Great News everyone - see below email I got from Sony today. Though the bit I have put in bold I assume is a typo, supposed to say now rather than not!

And amazed they cam back to me. Maybe others have had a similar email.

I am sorry to read you have been effected by an issue with audio drop out during playback.

have been advise a problem between these two products has not (sic 'now') been
identified and a modification to the player is currently in testing, as
long as everything tests ok, we expect this update to the players
firmware to go live by the 14th July, please keep an eye on the support
page for this model, this will be available as a network update of via
firmware CD.

I hope this information is of

Yours sincerely

Will Wilson
Customer Information Centre

That's great you've got a reply but what a poorly written letter:

1. ' you have been effected' (affected)

2. 'I
have been advise (d) a problem'

3. 'not' as opposed to 'now' as you point out.

4. update to the players (player's)

5. '...available as a network update of (or ?) via
firmware CD'

You'd think a company like Sony would employ someone who has contact with customers to be able to write English...
You'd think a company like Sony would employ someone who has contact
with customers to be able to write English...

You would; but people keep telling me cogent and gramatically correct English is an outdated concept... Hardly the image, you would imagine, that a large corporation would seek to promote, but there you go.

Here's hoping their firmware update is more effective than their communication skills!
I've been following this thread since I got my new Sony BDP-S370 from Amazon only a few days ago. I have it connected to my TFT TV via a DVI - HDMI cable and audio through separate left and right phono leads, utilising the TV speakers. This is because my Philips has no HDMI socket.

Everything had been going well, until I tried the Blu Ray version of The Golden Compass. When the actual film starts and skipping to other chapters, although you can hear the sound and music, it is accompanied by a static/crackling noise. That bad that it is really distracting. The film commentary and extras disc which are in Dolby 2.0 are fine. All other films I have tried so far (Avatar, Sherlock Holmes etc) look and sound fine.

The only difference I could see between The Golden Compass and the others is that this disc is only produced in Dolby 7.1, whereas all the others were 5.1 and have options to change. I thought initially that perhaps the player could not downmix 7.1.

I decided to join a local rental company and have tried another Dolby 7.1 title which sounds fine, so concluding that the Sony BDP-S370 and The Golden Compass disc are not a happy pairing? The odd thing is that this blu-ray sounds fine on a friends unbranded blu-ray player!

Sony were a waste of time when I rang their customer support. No known sound issues (not even the one mentioned here). I wonder however if this firmware update may resolve this particular problem as well. I'm already using the current firmware?

Has anyone else got The Golden Compass on Blu-ray and tried it with the BDP-S370. I'd be really interested if you have the same problem when playing the film.

Any help would be appreciated.
Forgot to add that I also tried using a new HDMI - HDMI cable to a different TV and the problem still exists!
Rencar - you will need to update the firmware rergardless of the drop out issue - the latest is mentioned in this thread, or is available from the website linked in the email I got.

Most Blu ray films (bought new, not rented) come with a little note saying you might need to update firmware to play the disk so must be a common issue as this tech developes.

Could also be that even the other TV does not support 7.1. If your TV does not have HDMI I would not have thought it has 7.1 decoding. You should be able to set the audio settings on the player to stereo for your TV and connection, see my earlier thread. Also the setting menu on the disc (pop up or main menu buttons) often has settings for which audio track to use of the ones on the disc.
Roger/strapped - yes you would think they could write - the odd typo, well ok let them off, but to use incorrect words and give alternate meaning. Still lets hope the fix is indeed better.
1080p Suspect:Im not even slightly surprised, there are too many reviews overrating this product. In fact, there are too many Sony fan boys on here. Glad i went for the Panasonic DMP-BD85 instead.

Very helpful post, 1080p Suspect...
1080p Suspect:Im not even slightly surprised, there are too many reviews overrating this product. In fact, there are too many Sony fan boys on here. Glad i went for the Panasonic DMP-BD85 instead.

Your slagging off the product because its a sony and has sound drop out issues?

Im no 'fanboy' of anything. if a products good then its good (And to my mind the S370 is incredible, especially when it can be had for 100 quid)

As for the sound issue. I personally see it as a minor issue. If people want to get the best out of a bluray disc (And id expect most on a hifi forum to want that), then youd plug the S370 through an av amp to get HD sound.

So please tell me, whats so fanatastic about the BD85 considering id be plugging it into a HD receiver?
I wasn't even specifically referring to you as a fan boy, i was saying that there my opinion, too many Sony fanboys on here. But obviously judging by your reply post, you must feel you are one to an extent because nobody else replied regarding that. I don't want to come across as rude, because Im not, but please read between the lines carefully before replying. What is good about the DMP-BD85 you say? well, everything that What Hi-Fi say in their review pretty much. Not saying the BDP-S370 isn't a good machine either because obviously it is. Its just that it is overrated slightly. You say you are happy with your machine and that the issue you speak of is only a minor one? so thats all that matters.
1080p Suspect:Not saying the BDP-S370 isn't a good machine either because obviously it is. Its just that it is overrated slightly.

Told us twice now that you think the BDP-S370 is overrated, but still no explanation what you think is overrated about the machine. I would like to know where you think the player does not live up to the reviews and ratings it gets. Nofi, just curious about the reasons for your opinion about the BDP-S370.
1080p Suspect:I wasn't even specifically referring to you as a fan boy, i was saying that there my opinion, too many Sony fanboys on here. But obviously judging by your reply post, you must feel you are one to an extent because nobody else replied regarding that. I don't want to come across as rude, because Im not, but please read between the lines carefully before replying. What is good about the DMP-BD85 you say? well, everything that What Hi-Fi say in their review pretty much. Not saying the BDP-S370 isn't a good machine either because obviously it is. Its just that it is overrated slightly. You say you are happy with your machine and that the issue you speak of is only a minor one? so thats all that matters.

Im not even sure WHY you thought that. If I wasnt mentioned why would
you be 'specifically' referring to me?
Regardless. In what way is
the sony 'overrated'? Please be specific
As this is a thread specifically on the 370 sound drop out that is effecting many users, so as not to loose any important information posts in amongst others, would it be possible for everyone here to only now post specifically about this issue?

It will helps others find the latest info easily, without having to go through other topics, related or not.

There's no need to post any agreements or otherwise to this request!

Yours, hoping the next post is about sound drop out,


Thanks all
Just realised I have watched a DVD with no sound drop out....checking firmware

Nope, still M03.R.567

Still at least I got my wish on the next thread and added thr info on latest firmware version again!
I had an email reply from Sony Support yesterday afternoon, confirming that the sound drop-out issue on the S370 is being addressed and a firmware upgrade is forthcoming "later this month". Well done everyone. Let's just hope the upgrade works eh. J.
Hi all

I was one of the first on this thread, as I could not believe two Sony products did not work together.

Well, I did return the unit to Amazon (who were great) and bought the Panasonic DMP BD85.

I can therefore share a few thoughts with you on this issue - if you are interested of course!!!

Firstly, I have compared the Sony S370 and the Panasonic BD85 in person, and the BD85 is better in both sound and picture. Not much on the picture front, but much better on the sound front. I am not a product tester or reviewer, but I've worked in TV and visual media production throughout my career so I can spot the differences.

The S370 is awesome for the price - no doubt. However, the BD85 comes with internet connectivity, whereas you have to spend £70 more to get the dongle that allows the Sony S370 to connect to the internet.

On top of this, Panasonic have an offer at the moment where they give you 3 x free Blu Rays (Avatar, Fantastic Mr Fox, Minority Report) - so, when you add that lot up, the costs of the free Blu-Rays and the wifi connectivity - they are about the same price. Only relevant if you want to access the internet however.

Another point is that the S370 is pretty noisy when its running, the BD85 is much quieter.

I am very glad to hear that Sony will be sorting this issue - as it is indeed an awesome budget player, but I couldn't wait anymore for the update and as such I have been enjoying the world of HD for well over a month now, where as I would have still been waiting for the update, even now. If anyone else is fed up of waiting, then the Panasonic BD85 is good bet.

I think it is relevant to this topic, as the sound issue is as yet, unfixed, therefore its relevant to let you all know of the other options out there, from someone who has experienced both.

Hope Sony get this sorted for all asap - should never have been allowed in the first place.
Are you referring to sound quality via RCA phono or from the optical digital output or HDMI?

About those drop-outs. Not heard any yet. Under what circumstances do they occur?

The Panasonic BD85-EBK is £228 (on Amazon right now) and the Sony I bought yesterday was £99.97.

Despite being a Panasonic fan and long time user (last 20 years) I could not ignore a price like that and connecting it to the internet only cost me a 5m Belkin network cable (£10).

As for the cooling fan, my Panasonic DVD/HDD/Freeview recorder's fan is cutting in all the time. So far the Sony's fan has not come on once that I am aware of despite being in continuous use all day today and the warm weather. (I did not select the 'Quick-start' option though.)

BBC iPlayer is incredible quality through this box (Sony) and DVD picture and sound quality is at least the match of my Panasonic. (The rest of the family actually think the Sony is a lot better.)

I can't compare Blu-Ray performance as the Sony is my first BD player but with the one BD disc I own currently (Collateral) we were impressed.

I am not a Sony 'fanboy' as this is the first Sony product I have purchased in 20 years (we had a Sony clock-radio) and - as I mentioned before - all our VHS then DVD products - until now - have always been Panasonic.

(Also I fully intend to return to Panasonic when Freeview HD is launched in our area in 2012 and get a Panasonic BD/DVD/HDD/FreeviewHD recorder then. It's just that right now they are very expensive boxes and not much point until we actually get Freeview HD from our local transmitter.)

The Sony is a bit of a 'stop-gap' but suprised me by being such a good one for £99
Ok. In the issue in which they reviewed both the S370 and the BD85, look at the facts and figures page of the super test where all the products are lined up and rated on;





Now tell me which Blu-Ray player comes out on top according to the facts and figures page, only then may you see my point. In fact i think at least two other players beat the S370 according to the facts and figures page, but the S370 still wins the super test. Its because of things like this that i think sometimes the What Hi-Fi board slightly lean towards Sony, giving them the benefit of the doubt.
hilltribe. Thanks for sharing my views regarding the BD85 being a better player than the S370. As i have already stated, there is even proof of this on facts and figures page of the What Hi-Fi issue in which both these machines were reviewed.
1080p Suspect:
Ok. In the issue in which they reviewed both the S370 and the BD85, look at the facts and figures page of the super test where all the products are lined up and rated on;





Now tell me which Blu-Ray player comes out on top according to the facts and figures page, only then may you see my point. In fact i think at least two other players beat the S370 according to the facts and figures page, but the S370 still wins the super test. Its because of things like this that i think sometimes the What Hi-Fi board slightly lean towards Sony, giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Im no sony fanboy, so im taking this from what I can read.

The S370 is taken as being £170, and the BD85 as £280 ~ so £110 more. With the BD85 having multi channel out sockets, id say the gap would be a touch less price wise if it didnt have them.

WHF claim their review system is based upon price 'brackets' (So we might say £150 to £350 in this case say as the lowest is £170 and the highest £330)

Picture and sound for both get 5 stars. The S370 gets 3 stars for features and the BD85 4 stars for features. Both get full marks overall

Then the crux as far as im concerned ~ the TEST VERDICT

"The 'S370 produces the sharpest, cleanest and most detailed image of all the players in this supertest"

So im pretty sure we can safely say the S370 has better picture quality from that review

Whats left is sound ~

The S370 "edges out the other players here for resolution"

The BD85 has "a full bodied driven sound"

Whats not clear is whether or not these comments are due to CD playback which is all that appears to have been mentioned

So as for sound, im a little unclear which one is better (if either) bitstreaming

As for bitstreaming, ive definitely found all 3 of my players sound differently, which I find very odd considering all theyre supposed to be doing is taking information off the disc and sending it down the HDMI to my av receiver. I can only assume the S370 has a very good transport mechanism compared to my PS3 and my Pioneer LX50. I can tell you for sure that the S370 sounds incredible through my receiver.

Id also like to point out that the S370 has gotten better with usage ~ it looks and sounds better now then when I first plugged it in (Which might account for the comparisons above)
1080p Suspect:
Ok. In the issue in which they reviewed both the S370 and the BD85, look at the facts and figures page of the super test where all the products are lined up and rated on;





Now tell me which Blu-Ray player comes out on top according to the facts and figures page, only then may you see my point. In fact i think at least two other players beat the S370 according to the facts and figures page, but the S370 still wins the super test. Its because of things like this that i think sometimes the What Hi-Fi board slightly lean towards Sony, giving them the benefit of the doubt.

The one category left out of that list is value - and that's where the Sony scores the decisive victory; it's a better performance-per-pound proposition. But for the Panasonic to keep its five-star rating in the face of such a bargain as the S370 show how highly we rate the Panasonic player.

There may be many reasons people prefer the Panasonic - for example, if you've a Panasonic TV and want to use a single remote control - and if they're willing to pay the premium over the Sony then they'll enjoy a superb Blu-ray player
Ok. Firstly, don't give me quotes from the magazine because we are talking about ratings, not quotes. Even you said yourself the S370 gets 3 for features and the BD85 gets 4. As for final verdict, both machines score 5. So if both machines score 5 in the picture and sound department, the BD85 by now has the higher rating of the two, right? So i cannot comprehend why the S370 still wins the super test. If its because of pricing, then the S370 isn't really a better performer as such, just a cheaper one. Think about it, the S370 wins overall majority because its good value for money, i understand. But that doesn't necessarily make it the better performer. Also isn't there another machine that beats the S370 or at least equals it according to the facts and figures page?


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