Snap Crackle and Pop Sony S-760


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have recently bought the Sony S-760 Blue Ray Player and although the picture is great I am experiencing a high degree of crackle and popping coming from the rear speakers. Playing the same Blue Ray film through the PS3 doesn’t produce the popping effect. I suspect it is due to my Onkyo 605 receiver, which in spite of many attempts via different CD players I have yet to update
the firmware.

Until I either solve the firmware update or probably buy a new receiver can anybody offer some temporary changes to the settings on the S-760 or 605 that will reduce the problem?

Cheers Peter
Clean your terminals and clean the speaker cables?

Re: Unhook and re-hook everything back up again, and make sure everything is clean.
Thanks canada16, I'll give it a try but it only occurs when a use the S-760 the PS3 and Sky+ are fine.
Are the S760 and Onkyo plugged into an extension cable? Just sounds like you might be getting a mains spike. Could be worth looking at plugging them into a mains conditioner.

Also worth checking the settings on the Onkyo for the input you're using for the Sony - I assume you're using HDMI? Just to make sure you've got it set correctly for HD sound in from the Sony...

And if all else fails, get the Firmware Upgrade.
It sounds like mains interference. As a cheap and cheerful way of testing this, plug the Blu into the socket you're currently using for your PS3, and vice-versa. If the problem persists, it's likelier something else.


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