Sky + HD problem


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Aug 10, 2019
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Sky HD box been playing up over the weekend

It keeps on turning itself off and going into standby mode

It does restart however when the remote is pressed but sometimes shows searching for listings..for ages then no satellite signal received, but then switching it off at the mains and restarting it fires up normally again

The other HD box remains ok so I presume that it is not a signal fault.

Any help would be tre............mendous!



Just in time for Xmas and the box is out of warranty....


Well-known member
it may well last you threw xmas but i will gradually get worse! it might be worth getting onto sky they'll wanna charge you a service fee as it's outa warranty, but sometimes if you stand your ground and insist your gonna cancel your subs they may replace the box gratis. but be aware it doesn't alway's work and may just cancel your subs anyway

Dan Turner

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Jul 9, 2007
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I've had Sky HD box issues too, I'm on about my 3rd, which is generally OK, but still prone to the odd twitch. There are 2 things you could try - downloading the latest software (turn off at the mains and then turn back on whilst holding down the back-up button - when all the lights come on on the front, you can release back-up and it can take about 20 mins to complete) or a sky+ planner re-build (go to Services menu>system set-up>press 0,1,Select on the remote to get to the Installer Menu, then select planner rebuild).

You might find that one/both of these things resolve your issues - most likely they will, but merely for a period of time, so in that case you could always perform them preventatively on a regular basis.

Or it may not work at all. Good luck. I've already decided that if this box becomes unusable I'm going to try to blackmail Sky into giving me a replacement gratis and if that doesn't work I'm switching to Freesat!



thanks for your help.

Will try that in the morning

Already tried with the pleading game with sky to no avail as we speak

But thanks for your advice again.

Dan Turner

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Jul 9, 2007
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No worries, good luck, hope you get it sorted. I just been thinking - I know for sure that the planner re-build doesn't delete recorded programmes or future recordings, however I'm not 100% sure about the software update, so don't want you to go ahead with that without being aware of the possibility.......


Thanks again Dan and Dave



I had this problem and despite having SKY out to it 3 times it was never really resolved. I called up last week and cancelled the HD subscription and movie package after deciding to get my HD fix from Blu Ray and HD-DVD. I also use an Onkyo 876 to upscale all other content and am very happy to leave it this way as my old Pace SKY+ box is rock solid and has never once let me down.

As soon as this freesat lark improves it will pleasure me to cancel the whole SKY package but for now the missus insists we keep it :(


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