fatman said:
Jeepers, that was all quite a read.
CJSF - try turning the computer off for a week. I try and do it every few months and after a couple of days it is really liberating.
Simple is indeed the key. Enjoy Hazel and the music.
Thanks Fatman, I will try that, I have a few more things to do these days, what with the better weather and Hazel being less dependent on me now. So time away from the computer will be good, broaden my horizons.
Seeing life in an uncomplicated fashion, I get pleasure out of all the simple things in my life, my fishing methods are the most uncomplicated I could devise, I catch fish, bought 4 sea bass home for the pot yesterday, I use the simplest of camera equipment, and my model flying is with equally simple designs, even my gardening, plant the seed, it has two chances, its great eating ones own home grown produce, how simple is that?
I get pleasure from this simple view of life . . . modern peoples seem to 'thrive' . . . on what I see as unnecessarily complex. Thrive . . . ?, the term 'headless chicken' comes to mind. Thats what seems to upsets the apple cart, I say it as it is 'to me'.
Ho-hum, I will let the world pass by and enjoy my simply presented music . . . CJSF