search for a stereo amplifier for B&W 606


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Mar 13, 2024
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Hello music friends, I am looking for a stereo amplifier to match my speakers, the B&W 606. I currently play this with a 30 year old Kenwood receiver KRV6050. Because I have been told that given new technological developments I can now generate much better sound with my B&W 606 speakers, I am now looking for a real stereo amplifier (and therefore not an AV). But this search is difficult for me, because there is so much choice that I no longer know what to do. My budget is around €1000.00. And of course I do have a few requirements, namely: I want to be able to connect a record player and a digital connection is also desirable. But the most important thing for me is that the amplifier should match my B&W speakers well in terms of sound specifics. I know that I actually have to listen to make a good choice, but I would like to have a shortlist first so as not to have to visit too many stores. So I would like to receive well-founded suggestions for a well-suited stereo amplifier. May I thank you in advance for your thoughts.
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Feb 9, 2024
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my recommendation for an amp matching well with B@W 606 is Cambridge Audio CXA61 or CXA81. In some countries is even CXA81 available up to 1000Eur. Also Arcam, new Radia line A5, A15 are very good match with B@W. Rega Brio or Elex-R will work very good, but they miss DAC inside. New ElexMk4 has also very good DAC but it is out of your budget. Let us know what will be your choice.

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Hello music friends, I am looking for a stereo amplifier to match my speakers, the B&W 606. I currently play this with a 30 year old Kenwood receiver KRV6050. Because I have been told that given new technological developments I can now generate much better sound with my B&W 606 speakers, I am now looking for a real stereo amplifier (and therefore not an AV). But this search is difficult for me, because there is so much choice that I no longer know what to do. My budget is around €1000.00. And of course I do have a few requirements, namely: I want to be able to connect a record player and a digital connection is also desirable. But the most important thing for me is that the amplifier should match my B&W speakers well in terms of sound specifics. I know that I actually have to listen to make a good choice, but I would like to have a shortlist first so as not to have to visit too many stores. So I would like to receive well-founded suggestions for a well-suited stereo amplifier. May I thank you in advance for your thoughts.
Look at Rotel or Denon amplifiers.
Most amplifiers will drive your speakers well, you just have to find one that has the functions you require.


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Mar 13, 2024
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my recommendation for an amp matching well with B@W 606 is Cambridge Audio CXA61 or CXA81. In some countries is even CXA81 available up to 1000Eur. Also Arcam, new Radia line A5, A15 are very good match with B@W. Rega Brio or Elex-R will work very good, but they miss DAC inside. New ElexMk4 has also very good DAC but it is out of your budget. Let us know what will be your choice.

thanks for your comment. I have also looked at the CA CXA81, but unfortunately it does not have a phono input. And then I would also have to buy a separate phono amplifier. And that wasn't really the intention, I don't like too much cable spaghetti. Besides the fact of the phono input, I have also read in various reviews that Cambridge Audio actually does not combine very well with B&W (sound-wise). However, I don't know if this is correct because I haven't listened to it myself yet.
thanks for your comment. I have also looked at the CA CXA81, but unfortunately it does not have a phono input. And then I would also have to buy a separate phono amplifier. And that wasn't really the intention, I don't like too much cable spaghetti. Besides the fact of the phono input, I have also read in various reviews that Cambridge Audio actually does not combine very well with B&W (sound-wise). However, I don't know if this is correct because I haven't listened to it myself yet.
Cannot comment on Cambridge / B&W pairing as never hesrd them.
Try the Denon PMA900HNE or similar


Well-known member
Hello music friends, I am looking for a stereo amplifier to match my speakers, the B&W 606. I currently play this with a 30 year old Kenwood receiver KRV6050. Because I have been told that given new technological developments I can now generate much better sound with my B&W 606 speakers, I am now looking for a real stereo amplifier (and therefore not an AV). But this search is difficult for me, because there is so much choice that I no longer know what to do. My budget is around €1000.00. And of course I do have a few requirements, namely: I want to be able to connect a record player and a digital connection is also desirable. But the most important thing for me is that the amplifier should match my B&W speakers well in terms of sound specifics. I know that I actually have to listen to make a good choice, but I would like to have a shortlist first so as not to have to visit too many stores. So I would like to receive well-founded suggestions for a well-suited stereo amplifier. May I thank you in advance for your thoughts.
If you want to spend money and you cant audition you may as well go the second hand route and save yourself some money as you wont lose money selling off again just make sure it isnt to good to be true.

If you want to digital connections id look at the second hand AVR market, these can be had very cheaply due to the AVR crowd flipping the units so quickly for the latest and greatest. Music first design such as arcam, rotel, anthem, Yamaha, all traffic sounding, but will have the added benefit of being able decode DD signal properly from Apple TV and movies and some of the newer designs have room correction HDMI and streaming built In.

With deals like this around I just would't touch the newer 2 channel devices digital devices.

here are some incredible piece's that can be had for very little.
Uk price's

ARCAM FMJ AVR-360 260 there abouts

Anthem MRX 300 80quid! 80QUID! ( on average sell for the 200 mark) will drive anything you throw at it, doesn't get much better than this really.

ROTEL RSX972 120quid this would go well with your speakers.

Rotel RSX-1550 300 quid

Yamaha RX-V1900

Yamaha Aventage AV Receiver RX-A1060 airplay Spotify tidal 300 quid BARGIN! thats cheaper than a blue sound node! heck its the same price as the the wimpy Wim amp everyone is going crazy for.

any how just my 2 cents.
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Feb 9, 2024
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thanks for your comment. I have also looked at the CA CXA81, but unfortunately it does not have a phono input. And then I would also have to buy a separate phono amplifier. And that wasn't really the intention, I don't like too much cable spaghetti. Besides the fact of the phono input, I have also read in various reviews that Cambridge Audio actually does not combine very well with B&W (sound-wise). However, I don't know if this is correct because I haven't listened to it myself yet.
Hi, Cambridge amps work very well with B&W. For my ear this combo is better than Rotel/B&W. Rotel sounds more dry, neutral, technical. CA sound is full of colour, musical, engaging. Same as Rega. Up to 1000 eur there ate currently three amp best ones: Rega Brio, CA CXA61(81) and Arcam A5. If you have a good turntable or plann to upgrade to somethink like Rega Planar 2(3) or Project, you will need a good phono preamp. Here only Rega Brio(Elex) have realy good phono integrated. Arcam has phono inside but not on Rega level. Cambridge, same as Rega produce very good phono preamps for 300-400 eur. To have "all integrated" in amp for 1000 eur is a machine with many compromises. And sound quality compromised as well. I have had many amps, around 30, vacuum tube, hybrid, transistor...pre/power, integrated. You may avoid some of our "wrong way" and learn from lessons learned.
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ProJect MaiA DS3 " Huge Spec List "
140wpc , Made in EU not a chinese sweatshop , 5,000 dealers across the world

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Mar 13, 2024
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Thanks for all your advice. At least I can now reduce my choice to a limited number of brands and models.

One of the first suggestions was to look for a Rotel amplifier. So I looked for this and found the Rotel A12MKII. This amplifier really appealed to me.
But a little later I was told here in the forum to stay away from Rotel, specifically in combination with my B&W 606 speakers. (why was not mentioned unfortunately)

The Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81 were also nominated. I was a bit hesitant about this, because I had read in other forums that it did not suit my speakers very well, because they turned out to be quite demanding (according to the wise men!). Yet these specifications also appeal to me, although I have some doubts about the power of the CXA61 (is 50 Watts sufficient?). The disadvantage of the CA is of course that it does not have a phono connection, so I have to purchase a separate phono amplifier.

I also thought the Denon PMA900HNE was a good suggestion. This is of course an amplifier with many options such as the integrated HEOS system. But here too I have some doubts about the power (50 Watt).

As you may have already noticed, I am not a great expert on all technical specifications and I don't know whether I should focus completely on power, or whether this is 'at all' important?

Just briefly what I'm actually looking for. I prefer a pure stereo amplifier, with enough power and strength to get the best out of my speakers (B&W 606, although not high-end, but to my complete satisfaction). Preferably a phono connection and a built-in DAC. Everything else is extra and nice to have, but not necessary.

So far my interest is in the following amplifiers:
  1. -Rotel A12MKII
  2. -Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81
  3. -Denon PMA900HNE
  4. -Arcam A5 or A15

What do you think about this, where would you put your money?


Well-known member
Thanks for all your advice. At least I can now reduce my choice to a limited number of brands and models.

One of the first suggestions was to look for a Rotel amplifier. So I looked for this and found the Rotel A12MKII. This amplifier really appealed to me.
But a little later I was told here in the forum to stay away from Rotel, specifically in combination with my B&W 606 speakers. (why was not mentioned unfortunately)

The Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81 were also nominated. I was a bit hesitant about this, because I had read in other forums that it did not suit my speakers very well, because they turned out to be quite demanding (according to the wise men!). Yet these specifications also appeal to me, although I have some doubts about the power of the CXA61 (is 50 Watts sufficient?). The disadvantage of the CA is of course that it does not have a phono connection, so I have to purchase a separate phono amplifier.

I also thought the Denon PMA900HNE was a good suggestion. This is of course an amplifier with many options such as the integrated HEOS system. But here too I have some doubts about the power (50 Watt).

As you may have already noticed, I am not a great expert on all technical specifications and I don't know whether I should focus completely on power, or whether this is 'at all' important?

Just briefly what I'm actually looking for. I prefer a pure stereo amplifier, with enough power and strength to get the best out of my speakers (B&W 606, although not high-end, but to my complete satisfaction). Preferably a phono connection and a built-in DAC. Everything else is extra and nice to have, but not necessary.

So far my interest is in the following amplifiers:
  1. -Rotel A12MKII
  2. -Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81
  3. -Denon PMA900HNE
  4. -Arcam A5 or A15

What do you think about this, where would you put your money?

They're all good choices really. The Denon has the benefit of streaming built-in.
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Thanks for all your advice. At least I can now reduce my choice to a limited number of brands and models.

One of the first suggestions was to look for a Rotel amplifier. So I looked for this and found the Rotel A12MKII. This amplifier really appealed to me.
But a little later I was told here in the forum to stay away from Rotel, specifically in combination with my B&W 606 speakers. (why was not mentioned unfortunately)

The Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81 were also nominated. I was a bit hesitant about this, because I had read in other forums that it did not suit my speakers very well, because they turned out to be quite demanding (according to the wise men!). Yet these specifications also appeal to me, although I have some doubts about the power of the CXA61 (is 50 Watts sufficient?). The disadvantage of the CA is of course that it does not have a phono connection, so I have to purchase a separate phono amplifier.

I also thought the Denon PMA900HNE was a good suggestion. This is of course an amplifier with many options such as the integrated HEOS system. But here too I have some doubts about the power (50 Watt).

As you may have already noticed, I am not a great expert on all technical specifications and I don't know whether I should focus completely on power, or whether this is 'at all' important?

Just briefly what I'm actually looking for. I prefer a pure stereo amplifier, with enough power and strength to get the best out of my speakers (B&W 606, although not high-end, but to my complete satisfaction). Preferably a phono connection and a built-in DAC. Everything else is extra and nice to have, but not necessary.

So far my interest is in the following amplifiers:
  1. -Rotel A12MKII
  2. -Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81
  3. -Denon PMA900HNE
  4. -Arcam A5 or A15

What do you think about this, where would you put your money?
This goes to show how personal our collective tastes are.

I've not heard Denon amps before, but I'm sure they work well with B&W.

Out of the amps I've heard with B&W, Rotel works the best.
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Thanks for all your advice. At least I can now reduce my choice to a limited number of brands and models.

One of the first suggestions was to look for a Rotel amplifier. So I looked for this and found the Rotel A12MKII. This amplifier really appealed to me.
But a little later I was told here in the forum to stay away from Rotel, specifically in combination with my B&W 606 speakers. (why was not mentioned unfortunately)

The Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81 were also nominated. I was a bit hesitant about this, because I had read in other forums that it did not suit my speakers very well, because they turned out to be quite demanding (according to the wise men!). Yet these specifications also appeal to me, although I have some doubts about the power of the CXA61 (is 50 Watts sufficient?). The disadvantage of the CA is of course that it does not have a phono connection, so I have to purchase a separate phono amplifier.

I also thought the Denon PMA900HNE was a good suggestion. This is of course an amplifier with many options such as the integrated HEOS system. But here too I have some doubts about the power (50 Watt).

As you may have already noticed, I am not a great expert on all technical specifications and I don't know whether I should focus completely on power, or whether this is 'at all' important?

Just briefly what I'm actually looking for. I prefer a pure stereo amplifier, with enough power and strength to get the best out of my speakers (B&W 606, although not high-end, but to my complete satisfaction). Preferably a phono connection and a built-in DAC. Everything else is extra and nice to have, but not necessary.

So far my interest is in the following amplifiers:
  1. -Rotel A12MKII
  2. -Cambridge Audio CXA61 and CXA81
  3. -Denon PMA900HNE
  4. -Arcam A5 or A15

What do you think about this, where would you put your money?

In your position I would be focusing on the Denon and Arcam options. You do not need to worry about the Denon power rating, I've had several of their amps (PMA-350SE, PMA720AE, PMA1600NE and my current CEOL N10) and they've all driven a wide range of speakers to decent levels without strain.

I'm interested in the PMA900HNE myself, eventually. I could do with more inputs than I currently have. I am also interested in the Yamaha RN-600A - that might also be worth a look for you.

Travis Daki

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Jan 17, 2016
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Hello music friends, I am looking for a stereo amplifier to match my speakers, the B&W 606. I currently play this with a 30 year old Kenwood receiver KRV6050. Because I have been told that given new technological developments I can now generate much better sound with my B&W 606 speakers, I am now looking for a real stereo amplifier (and therefore not an AV). But this search is difficult for me, because there is so much choice that I no longer know what to do. My budget is around €1000.00. And of course I do have a few requirements, namely: I want to be able to connect a record player and a digital connection is also desirable. But the most important thing for me is that the amplifier should match my B&W speakers well in terms of sound specifics. I know that I actually have to listen to make a good choice, but I would like to have a shortlist first so as not to have to visit too many stores. So I would like to receive well-founded suggestions for a well-suited stereo amplifier. May I thank you in advance for your thoughts.
The excellent NAD C350 is also within your budget. Definitely worth auditioning. And it looks the part! ;) Good luck! ♫♪
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Mar 13, 2024
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You want something not bright,harsh or else the highs will be cruel, the 6060 S3 are good in the high but the 606 S1 and S2 are to much
thanks for the tip. But which of the four amplifiers mentioned above would you recommend (or not, of course)? Which amplifier is less clear and loud in the high tones and has a somewhat softer character?


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After some more searching I also came across the Audiolab 6000A. According to the reviews I have read, this should also fit very well with my B&W 606 S1. The audio lab would sound slightly less sharp and slightly smoother, which according to most here would suit the B&W better.
What do you think, would that also be a good choice?


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I have now reduced my wish list to 3 items.

-Audio lab 6000A
-Rotel A12 MKII
-Arcam A5

Does anyone else have any sound advice as to why I should prefer 1 of these 3 over the other 2?


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I would go for the Arcam A5 with the 606 no question. As a pairing the Rotel may prove too bright, and the Audiolab a bit dry.
thanks for your advice, but one more question; but if the Rotel is too bright, and the audio lab sounds too dry, how would you describe the sound of the Arcam a5?


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