matthewpiano:Igglebert, what do you think about Quad pre/powers to drive the KEFs? Something of the 34/306 variety? Only a thought, and I'd have to listen to some, but do you think its got potential?
Blimey! You are blowing hot and cold, changing your system more often than ... . I nearly replied to a recent thread where you were considering trying AVI's actives. I think I can safely say ... don't bother. If you don't like the relative neutral CA stuff you'd hate AVI, probably.
Isn't perhaps the problem that you change so often (and mostly for second hand stuff) that you a/ never really get to know and live with a system and b/ have as much chance to find one you like as winning the lottery??
Why not take a break, sign off here for a few months, don't buy mags and add to your music collection? Then perhaps go to a good dealer and listen to some more expensive systems, whatever they may be, and find one you truly like. Then you have something to aim for and know what you want ... perhaps
Just an idea MP, no offense.
Thanks DM, and not offense taken whatsoever.
Comments on the AVIs duly noted.
Your comments about the overall situation make perfect sense and I'm certainly not rushing this. Lots of discussion, listening, reading etc. ahead.
Thanks again!