Screen Burn


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi just picked up my new Panasonic TH42PX70PED, whilst in the shop the assuistant said you WILL get screen burn on a plasma tv no matter what. I am now paranoid about watching anything that has a logo in any of the corners for long periods. Is he right, and if so what is an acceptable amount of time to watch a programme like this without burning the screen. Thanks
If he was selling cars he'd probably tell you give it a fast run every week or so to burn the carbon off the sparkplugs!

Lots of discussion about this in the past - just put screen burn in the search box at the top of the page - but really provided you follow some simple rules there shouldn't be a problem.
The shop assistant is, quite simply, a Jackass!

A Complete ignoramus!
You would expect the people who work in these shops to know what they are talking about, he tried to talk me out of buying my plasma. Good job i took no notice of him. Luckily for me I knew what I wanted to buy before I went in to the shop (thanks to this site, Andrews advice and reading the magazine) but god help the public who go into this shop asking for advice.
I was also recently amazed at the advice that i was given by these so called ' specialist ' stores, to the extent that i also came on and wrote about it, after having time to digest it i went back in armed with a few crucial facts just to see if i could manipulate him to say the obvious. and he fell hook line and sinker. the guy slagged off all the major brands except for 4/5--which incedently were the ones that he sold !
Would love to know which screens you were both advised to buy and why.
The assistant probably tried to flog him an LCD TV and then told him it would suffer ffrom Screen Burn.......Tallyho....and away we go!
Messrs: Krime/Harris/Everard/Clare?

OK....Over the next 200 hours, I know I have to keep the Contrast and Brightness levels on my new Plasma to under 50 countered by the fact too that I need to switch it from Dynamic to Normal, but after the breaking-in period can I resort to normal use of the TV?

Obviously I'm concerned with burn in of the static logo images and then there's sometimes the 4.3 twin bar on either side of the screen when watching football matches from aboard.

The TV already has ant screen burn but don't know too if I need to activate this via the menu or is it something which just happens in the background automatically when you switch on the TV?
Tallyho IMHO setting the contrast to under 50 is a bit OTT to help prevent screenburn. From the day I got the Samsung and my Panasonic before it, I set the screen up correctly using the Digital Video Essentials DVD and have never had any issues with Screenburn. Now I would advise you to invest £15 in a copy of this DVD as the results are quite staggering, yes you could use the THX set up on say a Star Wars dvd but the DVE disc is far more indepth and it may take a few hours to calibrate your TV correctly but it is worth it trust me! Then every few months re-test the tv for any minor adjustments.

My settings at the moment for normal TV watching are 70 contrast, 48 brightness NO sharpness!! and 48 colour.

As for prolonged 4:3 viewing, if you are worried you can always force the screen to widescreen via the remote.

Anti-screenburn tech is working in the background on your Samsung but can be adjusted on the menu making the screen shift more pixels and more often etc.
Hello Chaps, I recently bought a new Samsung PS42q97hd. After playing some games on XBox live for 4/5 hours, I can now see lines and images on the screen. It was really annoying whilst watching a movie. I have only had the TV less than a week. Will they fade away? After reading the forums for many days, I was influenced by the wise words of DJ KRIME and went for the Samsung as i could not justify paying the extra for the Pioneer 428xd. Please help me get rid of the marks and advise if this is normal and will it happen again? Should I follow your picture settings as a guide? Never had the probem on my previous LCD. Aaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhh.
Krime: Can I use the DVE via my Samsung DVD-H870 player to calibrate the TV.. I mean I don't have to use it through a PC do i?
Krime: Can I use the DVE via my Samsung DVD-H870 player to calibrate the TV.. I mean I don't have to use it through a PC do i? And......from where do I buy this DVE?
Hi DJ You sure this is the right one as I've seen others on Amazon UK for DVD, HD and Blu Ray etc, etc.Which one am I looking at exactly old chap?
Thanks DJ-----I will get the one above from Amazon wwhich I should get in about 2/3 days time and have a go with it via my Samsung DVD-HD870 over the weekend.
It takes a few hours to do it but it is worth it, even if you do feel silly wearing the filter glasses
but it will also teach you alot about your tv and just how ridiculous those factory presets are.
Will gaming cause screen burn on a plasma tv such as the pioneer 428xd?? How do prevent it but carry on enjoying my games?? Or should i get an LCD tv???
[quote user="Ginder"]Will gaming cause screen burn on a plasma tv such as the pioneer 428xd?? How do prevent it but carry on enjoying my games?? Or should i get an LCD tv???[/quote]

I have a Plasma (2 if you include my older Panasonic in the bed room) and use my XBOX 360 quite alot on my Samsung screen, well actually loads recently what with Halo 3. Any way I have had no issues with Screen burn but the key is to keep brightness and contrast levels moderatly set. If the game has large permanent static images on the main game screen it is advisible to swap the game from time to time. I recently played Viva Pinata for about 4 hours and when I turned the game off there was a feint image left on the screen from the games radar, but this was in no means a permanent image retention and after about 15 mins of another game had gone completly.
Cheers for ur advice mate, jus picked up viva pinata the other day, will be have to be careful when i buy my plasma, as for playin that game for 4 hours, i can just about manage 1 hour n then gotta put Gears back in! lol
I dare any 360 hateing PS3 owner to play Gears Of War any pass a lie dector when they say its rubbish! I have lost many a hour on XBOX LIVE playing Gears for the best part of a year and still end up going back to it.

Feel free to add me to your friends list if you want DJ KRIME MOFO


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