SAW3D and PS3??


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Sep 21, 2009
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wonder if anyone can help??
have purchased saw 3d on bluray from HMV and am now on my 3rd copy, the disc flatly refuses to load up, it only gets 3/4's of way through the 'circular saw' picture when loading then stopping dead.
i just wondered if anyone had encountered or heard of the same problem??
my PS33 is one of the older 40gig 'phat' models.
any feedback woulkd be appreciated,


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Dec 28, 2007
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From what I'm reading, it seems to be an issue with BD-Live (surprise, surprise). To fix, try this:

1. Go to the Settings menu, select Video Settings and select BD Internet Connection and set to Confirm rather than Allow.

2. Next, on the Video menu, go up to the BD Data Utility - delete the Shared Cache Data and any data linked with the Saw film by highlighting it, clicking the triangle button and then choosing Delete and confirm the deletion.

3. Once this is done, try reloading the disk and then, when prompted, say No to allowing the disc to connect to the internet for BD Live.

Hopefully that will sort the issue.


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Sep 21, 2009
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Thanks for the reply mate but have tried all that and even disconnected totally from router, all to no avail.
My sister has since bought said bluray and she has no problems at all with her Panasonic BD45.
am now gettin to stage of selling the jumped up games console come so so bluray player and investing in the Sony BDPS570.
have searched a lot of other forums and nobody seems to have yet solved this problem with SAW3D. The irritating thing is, I have 200+ blurays and this is the only one out of all of them that seems to have a problem.
Cheers anyway
Burner :)


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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Shame - I did read a post on another forum where somebody did the above and it fixed the issue, so thought it was worth posting. It seems just disconnecting the router on its own doesn't work as, once it has attempted to download the buggy code from the internet, even if you disconnect completely after this has happened the problem doesn't go away. Hence the need to both delete all the cached data and prevent it from downloading together. However, if you've tried that, I'm at a loss I'm afraid.


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