Sansui AU217 on EBay

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the record spot

Not mine however, but a couple of contributors have mentioned seeking one of these out of late. As it happens, one's popped up on Ebay and looks to be in decent shape, (though it's hard to say from the photos alone). Item number is 110453668755 and it's got three days or so left to run.
I used to have one of those
Ah, that's good to know David; how do you think it compares to a £200 amp of today's current crop?

I've not matched directly, but did a bit of reading. I find in the set-up I have, it's a good detailed and very musical amp. Not short of welly either though I think that's as much down to the Mission being 89db. I will upgrade when funds allow, but it won't be easy to part with this little amp.
Obviously it won't be the be all and end all, but I'm sure it'll be a bargain for whatever it goes for. From what I remember it had a decent amount poke and quite a lively sound without being aggressive - but then this was 20 years ago!

As long as these older amps can be serviced they're a safe bet, but a bit of gamble if they can't. For me, decent hi-fi amps start with the likes of the Rotel RA04, so you'd be looking about £250+ for a current amplifier.
I've not taken the lid off mine, but it looks pretty fresh inside so think the previous owner had done some servicing ahead of sale.

As for my next upgrade, I'm thinking of going down either the Exposure or H-K 990 route. The 990 looks like a pretty impressive proposition and I've always liked what Exposure do. That's a way off though and I'm enjoying what the 217 does for now. Certainly, it's a case of kicking back and just enjoying the music.

Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead!
I still use a AU 217 in my office system, and would sugest that if you enjoy the sound, but want to upgrade it, then you need you be comparing Exposure and Rega rather than Rotel and HK.

The Sansui is not short of grunt for its quoted power, and It would takes a £350 ish + amp to dislodge it from my office system.
Thanks for the advice; thing is I rather like what the HK does, or rather, is reputed to do; there 90s amps (HK1400, 6550, etc) were all powerful rocky amps, so I'd like to run the rule over the 990 as well.

The Exposure kit has the kind of character I like too, by all accounts, so that's a nap. Rotel, hmmm, I wouldn't be writing their gear off at all...some of their pre/power stuff looks very appealing and likewise the current 1520 amp.

I tend not to discount a brand's on the basis that "X won't work with Y" and tend to go more with the blend between the components - the overall synergy. If that clicks, then I'll run with whatever's there irrespective of the badge on the tin.


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