Samsung PS50C7000 50 inch Plasma 3D


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm sure based on the general standard of Samsung offering that this TV will be good - lets guess around the level of the LG PK990 and the Panasonic G20 in terms of 2D performance. Who would be suprised if it was better than that

My point is, if this set is around or less than £1500 and includes 3D ready that will present a pretty tough challenge for the Panasonic VT20 at £2300. Infact if the the prices currently advertised pre sale are correct £1350 (viking direct) I dont think the VT20 can maintain a price above £1800 or will end like Philips sets niche not mainstream
In fact its a big diference - £ 1000

Does it justify ? well... not for me

In my opinion Pana is taking advantage over the publicity of acquiring some engenieers behing kuro technology that is said that will be present in V20 and vt20 .... and i ve no doubt this will be very good sets ... BUT

IMO Samsung is offering much more per pound basis .. as i posted before it looks like a great package - even if you dont care about 3d right now you can be 3d ready whenever you have more content to see and still with a very good 2d PQ, with a slimer , stylish and cheaper set than panasonic .. Whats not to like ?

Its my personall bet , can wait to see it next week and probably buy it for my living room
I'm thinking the same, they are hitting the shops around now in the UK - and the Samsung will look miles better physically.

Where are the reviews? why are there so few reviews of the V20 and none of the Sammy 50''
Did'nt WhatHiFi do a test on the Samsung 3d tv and it got 5 stars?
the vt20 may well turn out to be the best 3dtv , but if the samsung is a little better than last years b650 plasma , as it should be , and has better blacks than that model , as is the case , and can do the whole 3d thing as good as the rest , then at the price , its bound to be a great buy imo...
theres a rumour about product problems with the 'screen materials' and that distribution in the UK has been halted - lets hope not!!

If anyone sees it appear locally, please shout
i have a person that met in this foruns that already got the 50c7000 and send me the pictures - it's 100% satisfaid

i told him retailers in portugal receiving next week but he couldn't wait and order it from a spain at good price , onlt one day to deliver it ..

he send me the fotos i will try to post it.. altough dont know how yet
thats reassuring. Where I live its only the Samsung 3D LED so far in the shops. I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks as its going to be one of the most 'game changing' times since flat screens came on the market.
I have to admit I was previously sceptical about Samsung..but seeing how good the 2D performance on the 40'' C8000 LED is (and of course the stunning looks) finally got rid of my predjudices -
very nice cm7 , just bear in mind , the max size allowed for photos is 400x400 ..

are you definately getting the 3d samsung plasma then ??
thanks .. ups 400x400 (should i delete the photos? )

everything looks like it .. i think this is the one for me .. from last review i read (italian) the blacks are almoust like the G20 (" a hair lighter" ) so... it has not the best blacks .. but we can easly fall in love with it ..

Im planning to see it live before i buy it ... this wait is killing me , and i want it in my living room before my birthday .. (end of the month ) ..
i think you should defo see it before you buy ....and after you buy , dont read any vt20 reviews
The new Samsung PS50C450 suffers from image retention according to one review.............I would wait for a definitive review of this model before splurging on one. Maybe that's the reason the VT20 is dearer....
all other reviews of the lg50pk990 also indicate image retention as a problem , apart from whfis
No image retention issue reported in this range... (a lot of consumer reviews / 2 expert reviews )

Listean Big Boss , ive no doubt that vt20 is a excelent set, and sure is gonna get excelent blacks (its better than this sammy but then again i have plans for the extra £1000 ill be saving) , for me needs this samy c7000 will be more than enough ....

Is Like this - I really love the maserati (image a not so pretty maserati ) but the bmw (z4? 🙂 ) suits my needs very well...

Now if the vt20 was a little cheaper (more close to the sammy price) things would be diferent ... altough i would prefer a diferent vt20 design.. hes not that ugly but doesnt have the kind of beauty we wanted ..

So Panasonic if your reading this - this is the time for you to make me a better offer :

VT20 + 3d Blu Ray + 4 3d Glasses --- 2000 £

Just Kiding , i tried to negotiate with them cause my 50v10 no delivery and long wait but they didnt listen me and keep on 50g20 offer.. + blu ray and 5 yer warant 🙁
If you're totally bent on Samsung, fair enough. In any case you're not bothered about 3D, because the Samsung C7000 shows up 2 problems with 3D images:

1) It exhibited a degree of "crosstalk," or ghosted images, on 3D content, indicating that the images for each eye weren't being kept completely separate (you can see two separate 3D images on screen instead of one complete 3D image).

2) If you tilted the 3D glasses, such as you would if you were lying down watching the TV, the picture would increasingly get dimmer on the Samsung.

Both these problems were not noticed with the Panasonic VT20. Just google "Samsung C7000 crosstalk" for details of the direct comparison between both these TVs. There's even a video showing the difference very clearly.
Yes, but is the problem because of the limitations of LCD, or Samsung's 3D technology? I couldn't find any clarification regarding that, nor can I find anything that confirms that the C7000 plasma model doesn't suffer from this problem.

I'm only trying to help people make a reasonable judgement based on these facts. CM7 isn't bothered about 3D, so this issue shouldn't affect him.
sure , i guess it could be a samsung 3d trait across the board , only time will tell , a grand premium for the panny may mean many will take the cheaper 3d route though id say ..if it was me (and it may yet be) id try to get the vt20 , user reviews and peoples observations from demos are very positive ...
maxflinn:all other reviews of the lg50pk990 also indicate image retention as a problem , apart from whfis

Yes, this seems always to be a problem on Samsung and LG sets. This years LG sets have already proven that the problem persists, and I would be surprised if it is any different on the Samsungs...

Image retention is not necessarily crucial if you take proper precautions (especially during the first 200 - 300 hours), but if you want a TV more resistant towards image retention you need a Panasonic.


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