Samsung LE32B550A - Please help!!!!!!!


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Aug 10, 2019
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My head is about to explode with all the various technical information I have had to wade through looking for an answer to this problem. I recently bought the Sammy 32B550 under the knowledge that it was able to properly support 24p. I have a blu-ray player (Philips BDP3000) that is all fine and dandy. But when I watch blu-rays at 1080/24 I experience a strange jerkiness with moving objects or with some panning shots - it's not constant, seems to happen every minute or so and it's driving me insane, amost as if the picture had a stuck frame or something. Surely this shouldn't be happening with a full HD TV that properly supports 24p right? This was the main reason I upgraded from my crappy Hitachi - which had the same problem.

Am I alone in having this problem? Some people have suggested playing at 1080/60 but I can't stand the judder. Some people have wondered if my HDMI cable is faulty or out-of-date but I'm sure it's 1.3. If I set the blu-ray to Auto or Native or just plain 1080/24 the problem still occurs. It doesn't affect the clarity of the image but I do find it very distracting and so my first foray into the world of High-def is not quite living up to expectations.

And suggestions as to what's causing this effect and anything I can do about it? Sorry to ramble on but I really am quite exasperated so any help would be m appreciated, ta.


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Aug 24, 2008
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i seem to have the same problem as you.when viewing blu-ray content in 50 hz lcd's i notice alot of judder.only seems to go away with 100 hz tv's.the lh300 LG is even worse than the b550.the b550 as a little more motion blur wich seemed to attenuate the efect of judder


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