Samsung BD-C8200/8500

Big Chris

New member
Apr 3, 2008
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I'd quite like a BD player for the bedroom, but want to keep the HDD recording facility (Currently have a Sony RDR-HXD910 250gb DVD/HDD recorder). Although I have the facility, I never record onto DVD, so losing this isn't a problem.

As it's only the bedroom (a Sony 26" LCD), a one-box solution appeals, and out-and-out performance isn't as important as the lounge. Have no interest in Freesat, but Freeview HD would be a bonus.

Anyone know of a one box BD/HDD/Freeview HD unit such as the Samsungs listed above? Anyone tried the Samsungs?


Well-known member
Big Chris:
Anyone know of a one box BD/HDD/Freeview HD unit such as the Samsungs listed above?

The only others that spring to mind are the seriously expensive Panasonics...

The DMR-BW780 which is a BD/HDD recorder with twin Freeview HD tuners and 250gb drive @ around £600.

And its bigger brother the DMR-BW880 which has a 500gb hdd @ around £800.


Well-known member
To be fair the Freesat models were equally expensive at launch,but prices dropped rapidly-So may be woth holding fire,and see how much the prices drop on the Freeview models( they've already dropped £100-£150 on their launch price)


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