Is it me or is the SD picture on the Samsung C8000 40 inch really quite naff. It looks really fuzzy and lacks sharpness and vitality. HD by comparison looks fabulous. I tended to buy this TV as I had heard that the SD quality is generally very good, but I am not seeing that at all.
I can't watch it, so I end up watching SD through my sky box instead and that looks far, far, better.
Do I need to manually try tuning in the picture or am I on the wrong wavelength? I live close to Crystal Palace and on my old CRT and 26inch Sony LCD, the SD was very good - so it can't be the aerial?
Is it me or is the SD picture on the Samsung C8000 40 inch really quite naff. It looks really fuzzy and lacks sharpness and vitality. HD by comparison looks fabulous. I tended to buy this TV as I had heard that the SD quality is generally very good, but I am not seeing that at all.
I can't watch it, so I end up watching SD through my sky box instead and that looks far, far, better.
Do I need to manually try tuning in the picture or am I on the wrong wavelength? I live close to Crystal Palace and on my old CRT and 26inch Sony LCD, the SD was very good - so it can't be the aerial?