roksan kandy . marantz 8003 or exposure 2010 with rx6s ??


New member
Aug 10, 2019
ok guys i have the money (well its in transit[<😱)]) , cant home demo ,only on the shop floor , and not with the kandy as it would need to be ordered , i will listen to the other two but im not sure how much that will tell me anyway , given the surroundings ..

am getting a great trade in price for my pm 6003 from munstersounds , im defo buying next week , for certain , just need to confirm which one , i have ditched the 2nd hand arcam idea , just want to stick with new gear and ebaying is a problem , gonna keep my cdp too as i think its fine , for now[:$]....

theres a couple of hundred euros between them pricewise , im not bothered about that , just want whatever is best , more suitable ...

so , i have to buy from munstersounds so no point reccomending something they dont have , im pretty sure cyrus is a non runner with my speakers..

im looking for a warm , detailed sound , big soundstage , good seperation and good vocals , bass ...

the main thing i want to improve upon from my current 6003 is a touch of brightness , even harshness with some music , when played loud ,( possibly room acoustics ? will sort that in time anyway) and better seperation of complex tracks , will the 8003 give me that if the 6003 doesnt? ..

any views would be great ? thanks ...

(ps , please dont suggest keeping the 6003 [🙂] , its history[😉])
Of course you can buy a new amp but the brightness/harshness is a problem of your monitor audio speakers, not the amp.

I have the amp myself and use it with Dali Lektor speakers......sounds lovely without any brightness/harshness.
is your floor still bare, max? i know it's not as sexy as new kit, but i would get a sodding great rug in there pronto. might sort the harshness right out, will definitely improve the sound, making it smoother and less fatiguing with better seperation. any kit will sound better if you can damp the room a bit.
I have owned a couple of old MA Silver speakers (S9 I think) before RS and RX series came out. In my room and to my ears they sounded too bright with Exposure 3010 CD player and integrated amplifier. I added later another 3010 power amp, the sound improved a lot in the bottom end, but was still bright for me. I tried different types of Cu cables all around, but eventually sold the Silvers and purchased the Gold series, GS10 and GS60. They were a major step up in sound, especially GS60. They worked quite well with Exposures, unlike Silvers. I also tried extensively both of of these MA Series with my Marantz equipment (SA11 player and PM11 amp) and it suited MA speakers much better. From my experience, I would therefore recommend that you go for Marantz's warmer presentation. Regards from Abu Dhabi, Z Popovic.
Craig M.:is your floor still bare, max? i know it's not as sexy as new kit, but i would get a sodding great rug in there pronto. might sort the harshness right out, will definitely improve the sound, making it smoother and less fatiguing with better seperation. any kit will sound better if you can damp the room a bit.
hi craig , yes im planning to get a rug , the room is bare enough ok , im going to get a few plants aswell , stick em in the corners behind the speakers ..

still going to get a new amp though , if im honest im hoping the kandy will suit best , its so well reviewed , 125 watts , my dealer reckons its exceptional , but with rx6s , hmmm ?
Of course you can buy a new amp but the brightness/harshness is a problem of your monitor audio speakers, not the amp.

I have the amp myself and use it with Dali Lektor speakers......sounds lovely without any brightness/harshness.

perhaps so , but im not going to change the speakers , the exposure is said to be quite warm , so i was factoring that in ...
zelkop:I have owned a couple of old MA Silver speakers (S9 I think) before RS and RX series came out. In my room and to my ears they sounded too bright with Exposure 3010 CD player and integrated amplifier. I added later another 3010 power amp, the sound improved a lot in the bottom end, but was still bright for me. I tried different types of Cu cables all around, but eventually sold the Silvers and purchased the Gold series, GS10 and GS60. They were a major step up in sound, especially GS60. They worked quite well with Exposures, unlike Silvers. I also tried extensively both of of these MA Series with my Marantz equipment (SA11 player and PM11 amp) and it suited MA speakers much better. From my experience, I would therefore recommend that you go for Marantz's warmer presentation. Regards from Abu Dhabi, Z Popovic.cheers , i do love the marantz sound , the 8003 is said to be better than my current amp too , decisions ...
poldo:Marantz 8003 is a safe choice if you like the Marantz sound.
I love the exposure 2010s amp and think it was a very nice setup with the rx6. You def. should demo that one.
you have heard that combo poldo ? warm ? good seperation ? can you describe it ?
Have you tried toeing the speakers slightly outwards? Not massively, but enough to point the tweeters away by a degree or two. Works for me sometimes when I don't want the full-on sound a little.
Wonder if those who atribute the brightness to the speakers have heard them?

The RX series are very different in character to RS series - not bright at all to my ears and Cyrus might be worth a demo....
Yes I was wondering that too, I have the rs serie and they are bit bright, but when demo the rx serie it was a different kind of story. Much warmer sound.

I really liked the exposure with the rx6. I has quiet a forward sound, bit in your face, but nog bright at all. Very nice with metal and rock music. The bass is very good too, bit like NAD. Detail is not the best with the exposure then cyrus or arcam is a better choice. But i think they sound too thin for rock/metal.

You should def. demo RX6 with Exposure 2010s.
have got them toed out , well facing straight ahead rs , the current sound is very good for the most part , only sometimes do i hear harshness , brightness whatever , usually at loud volume , as i said ill dampen the room a touch in the next few weeks ...

i have heard the exposure kit is quite warm sounding ? creamy even , anyone ever tried a 2010 with rx6s ?
just found a review of the kandy in stereophile and i nearly had an accident reading it
well, ive had once a "old" kandy mkIII and to me, the exposure is muchhhhhhhhh better! Ok, the kandy had more power but ended there! ive just heard the rx6 with primare i20 and honestly i preferer the combo exposure/rega but if the only doubt is about the amp, i would give a try with the exposure....but i noticed that the 2010s doesnt like much less them 4ohm speakers, ive sold my dali suites 2.8 and that was one (not the major one) of the reasons.
The roksan Kandy has a very good synergy with the rx 6's. My dealer also recomends the Roksan Kandy.

If I hadn't had such a good deal on my Naim 5i set(2nd hand) I would be rocking a Roksan Kandy amp myself with my rx6.
I'm waiting for the new Marantz Pearl Lite amp. It was supposed to come out in August.

I think the Pearl Lite will work with your RX6 very well. If it sounds like the normal Pearl amp it will have a very warm and almost analogue sound.

Just a tip
I can only add that the Kandy works very well with Spendors, I've not hear MA speakers with any amp so cant comment on their perceived brightness. In my opinion the Kandy sails a very neutral course, it doesn't sound as fast and lean as some amps (think Cyrus), nor as warm as some (think NAD, Arcam). It's close to the Nait, though I think it soundtsages better and has a bit more space around each instrument. Plus, if you like using the volume button, 120w comes in handy.

It's alos big improvement over the old Kandy III but you really really should listen to all of them first......where do you live?
I maxx, haven't heard the marantz, but the Kandy K2 is a fantastic amp. Definately among the best in that price range. That's what I would get myself. Plus it has plenty of watts so future speaker choices will be wide open.

I'd also recommend you check out ebay or store exdems as you might be able to leap frog to a level beyond this by buying a slightly used amp.
I can only add that the Kandy works very well with Spendors, I've not hear MA speakers with any amp so cant comment on their perceived brightness. In my opinion the Kandy sails a very neutral course, it doesn't sound as fast and lean as some amps (think Cyrus), nor as warm as some (think NAD, Arcam). It's close to the Nait, though I think it soundtsages better and has a bit more space around each instrument. Plus, if you like using the volume button, 120w comes in handy.

It's alos big improvement over the old Kandy III but you really really should listen to all of them first......where do you live?
cheers steve , waterford , ireland , demoing here is not impossible but difficult , id have to drive to dublin , 100 miles there and back , even then choice is very limited compared to the uk , im going to be buying here anyway , its in cork , can demo a little there though , but not the kandy has to be ordered ..
I maxx, haven't heard the marantz, but the Kandy K2 is a fantastic amp. Definately among the best in that price range. That's what I would get myself. Plus it has plenty of watts so future speaker choices will be wide open.

I'd also recommend you check out ebay or store exdems as you might be able to leap frog to a level beyond this by buying a slightly used amp.

cheers jaxwired , another thumbs up for the kandy , to be honest its the amp i feel has the most kudos , its what i want to get , it gets exceptional reviews , is said to pair with most kit , i just thought id see what people thought , so far nobody has given a reason not to get it , its in pole position right now ...


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